A You Tube video showing a series of bizarre cloud formations over rural New Brunswick has millions of people worldwide guessing.
Denis Laforge, of Grand Falls, N.B., a town about 200 kilometres northwest of Fredericton, was watering his plants on Aug. 1 when he pulled out his iPhone to record the fast-moving clouds, which morphed from what appeared to be a pig face to the face of Jesus.
About halfway through the video, Laforge blurts out “A face. . . a face. . . holy frig!”
The three-minute clip has been viewed more than 1.7 million times. The regal face disappeared as quickly as it came.
“What I saw was a face,” the father of two said in an interview. “I never concluded anything else, really, but it was an eerie feeling to say the least.”
The community has gotten a lot of unusually turbulent weather. This storm left a trail of destruction: Forty angora goats died after lightning struck a barn in nearby Drummond and set it on fire.
Not long before that Laforge said the town endured a hailstorm.
“We’ve had a freaky summer for weather, that was the main reason why I bought this iPhone. I’m not a storm catcher but I’ll definitely be on the lookout.
"I can’t look at clouds the same way anymore.”
More than 2,800 people have left comments on the clip, ranging from the awe inspired to the humoured.
“God is looking!,” wrote one.
“That’s Captain Kebab from Parodius!” wrote another.
“Looks like George Washington to me,” wrote a third.
Laforge, 36, is not willing to say whether he considers the faces an omen of any sort.
“I really wanted to be neutral when I put the video on YouTube. I’m not saying it was God’s face, the devil’s or any other. I’ve gotten comments that people have seen the villain in Harry Potter. I haven’t seen the last movie of the series so I’ll go see that for sure.”
Laforge’s wife, Jinny Soucy, is not so quick to pass the episode off as a fluke of nature.
“We were just looking at each other amazed,” she said. “He’s always teasing me that it’s the end of the world coming so I asked him when the storm was happening is this the message? It was pretty amazing.”
But George Isaac, a senior cloud scientist with Environment Canada, was quick to play down the significance of the faces. Although he didn’t see the clip, he said there are variety of factors that could work together, including cloud turbulence, water vapour pockets and specific lighting, that cause dramatic and changing cloud formations.
“Clouds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, air currents can carry funny patterns,” he said.
Eerie apparitions throughout Canada
December 2008: An amateur painter in Kingsville, Ont., sees Jesus Christ’s face on the canvas of an unfinished landscape scene.
December 2002: The Virgin Mary reportedly appears in northern Saskatchewan, first in sealed glass panes at a greenhouse and then in frost on a living room window about 300 kilometres away.
May 2001: Hundreds of people report feeling peaceful after viewing an image on a freshly painted house wall in Indian Brook, N.S., that looks remarkably like the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus.
September 1998: An image resembling Christ appears on the side of a Tim Hortons shop in Cape Breton, N.S
Source: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1038285--video-ghostly-cloud-faces-appear-over-new-brunswick

Whatever it is, it is an incredible image.
ReplyDeleteOne moment I saw ET in the clouds :)) ...
ReplyDeleteI have seen several things in the sky on that video. I am a skywatcher and many times I'm watching clouds and it's amazing how clouds continually move and are giving the illusion of seening a face, than transforming in a bird, than transforming in a dog... and what you are seeing also depends on which point in the cloud you put your focus. Indeed in that video you can see that one cloud as a face for a short while...
Wow! That's pretty darn cool! (You can *definitely* see the side profile of a face, complete with sideburns and a beard at 1:43)
ReplyDeleteI might mention that I see a *secondary* face at 1:11 in the video. (It's located to the right of the face that we all see so clearly and also is in side profile!) It appears to be looking "upwards" - as if looking up to Heaven. It then also floats upwards, as the figure to the left takes shape.
Whether this is paranormal or not, I don't know. (I would like to believe it is - a subtle reminder/sign that God is *always* with us.)
....But I might mention something interesting here: Back in 1991, a small town known as Conyers (located in Georgia, USA) had reported sightings of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Amongst the many numerous reported sightings and experiences that people reported, there was also word that witnesses saw the images of "The Blessed Mother" and Jesus in the sky and in the clouds!....
(I believe that God uses things around us, all of which are His creation, to communicate with us. It's up to us to decide if we wish to listen and receive His messages.)
And here's video of some of the actual events!...
Hmmm....Clouds "forming by themselves" - out of nowhere!...And not only that, but then it starts raining rose petals!! (I'd like to see the scientists and/or weather forecasters explain this one! LOL!) ;-)
Aaaand, just in case that previous video link I posted wasn't clear enough for you - please check this one out!
(Sorry Chris, it's the last one - I promise!) ;-)