Thursday 18 January 2018


In early January 2018 I flew over to Belfast to join for the evening with Ghost Searchers Ireland (GSI) to investigate the former prison at Crumlin Road.

The prison (like most) has a tragic past, with women and children being imprisoned there from the early days, and later,  members of I.R.A and their mortal enemies, the UVF and UDF during the period known as `The Troubles`.

In its history, a total of 17 men were executed there for various crimes, and 15 of them still remain within the prison grounds in unconsecrated ground.

The prison has a history of abuse and suicides, the most poignant being the suicide of a 10-year-old boy named Patrick Magee, who hung himself following imprisonment by a court.

There are many recorded ghostly events reported within the prison which are detailed in the show, but what we experienced added a new dimension to that ghostly history which was verbal abuse never recorded before.

Even more weirdly, twice threats were made to kill me by these inmates and recorded as EVP.
It is believed that the reason they chose to be so vulgar in their comments was due to the fact that I am an Englishman who was formerly a police officer.

Historically, the Irish had every reason to fear outsiders and the police because of the tragic and inhumane treatment of them, and particularly during the 19th century when many died of starvation due to the `Potato Famine` when their crops were blighted and destroyed leaving the majority desperate for food. The British and the landowners of that time largely refused to help, and so many fled to the then colonies and the USA to escape starvation and death.

It is fair to point out that it wasn`t only the Irish who suffered at the hands of the British.
Many people from all over the UK lived in dire poverty and suffered heinous abuse at the hands of the then government.
But for the Irish,  the British (mostly wealthy and landed Scots and English) wanted to ethnically `cleanse` the country of the poor,  and to canvass public support magazines of the day portrayed them as savages more akin to being ape-like than human - as you can see from this image.

Following the Irish revolt when the majority of the country seceded from Britain,  it later led to the IRA committing more murders and ultimately, `The Troubles`, as Britain retained the northern part.

It is every credit that today the majority of the Irish - both North and South have buried the stirred enmities of the past, and the country as a whole enjoys a new era of peace and reconciliation with each other.

 When I led this investigation I was completely mindful of its history and knew my presence was likely to stir up old animosities which resulted in some of the most amazing EVP ever being recorded there.

Here is a free preview of some of the events you will see in this two-part show.

In the below video I experience my first threat to kill me. I was referred to as a `Peeler` which is an archaic term for a police officer, and still used today.

In this feature, you`ll hear some amazing Class A EVP, and some extremely coarse language which clearly showed their displeasure at me being there.

And in this final `taster` clip, we recorded Class A EVP of a man speaking a tongue which we assumed was Gaelic, but Irish language speakers have declared it to be not Irish, but unknown.

As you can appreciate this is possibly one of the very best investigations to date.
And you can see this show Friday night (January 19th, 2018)  at 10 pm (UK time) when I will post a link to this page for you to view part one.

My special thanks to Gary Watters and his excellent team at Ghost Searchers Ireland for inviting me over to work with them.

HERE IS THE LINK TO PART ONE (Broadcast date 19th January 2018)

HERE IS THE LINK TO PART 2 TONIGHT (26th January 2018) Starts at 10pm (UK time)

Monday 11 December 2017


This is an advertisement for my new Haunted Earth calendar for 2018. 
It is printed on thick paper which is semi-glossy and has unique images taken by me and voted for by viewers on Facebook.
Some of you are aware that photography is a strong interest of mine and here are 13 images shot by me in East Anglia.
This is a limited edition print run and won`t be repeated.
The calendar when folded out on it`s spiral hinge is A3 in size and includes public holidays in the UK and US.
There is also ample space to write in important dates.
I do hope you`ll buy a copy as funding is intended to purchase a higher quality camcorder for my video work.

International Standard (airmail) and International tracking signature services Sat 16 Dec Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Fri 15 Dec Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Switzerland Wed 13 Dec Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland Thur 14 Dec Canada, Finland, Sweden, USA United Kingdom Fri 22 Dec Special Delivery Guaranteed Saturday Delivery Thur 21 Dec Special Delivery Guaranteed Thur 21 Dec 1st Class and 1st Class Signed For Wed 20 Dec 2nd Class and 2nd Class Signed For Here is a purchase link:

Sunday 26 November 2017


In any investigation, the testimony of witnesses is key to deciding whether accounts given by them stand up to scrutiny. And the Borley Rectory story of alleged paranormality is one of them.
In terms of hard verifiable evidence, there is very little, if hardly any at all.

So the course of events from Borley`s inception to it`s later destruction rests largely on Harry Price  the incumbent clergy, and also the families and staff who lived and worked there.
This documentary attempts to place Borley into a clearer perspective by analysing these accounts and the character of those involved.

Certainly, by the time the Daily Mirror became involved, the rectory was well known locally for reported activity, and there cannot be any doubt that the rectory was spiritually active, but ..... by how much?

Throughout it`s life, the hauntings were always variable according to whoever the witnessed them. By the time of the Foysters, they seemingly reached a crescendo of activity.

I hope you enjoy this presentation as I attempt to draw some balance in the entire rectory story by focussing on the main actors, and looking more in depth at their characters and honesty.

In my mind, this is far more compelling than simple witness accounts.

I also return to the hauntings at Borley church, which not only has many reports of activity both within and outside the church, but also has some evidence provided by a paranormal investigation in the 1970`s.

Was it the most haunted house. Or was it merely an opportunity for fame and fortune?
Here all is revealed from facts surrounding this most infamous of cases.

A taster for the show

The show becomes viewable at 10pm (UK) time, tonight, November 26th 2017

Wednesday 8 November 2017


In late August, 2017 and while visiting Transylvania to to explore Hoia Baciu Forest on the outskirts of Cluj Napoca, I visited Central Cemetery with my resident friend and guide, Agatha Eliza.
I`ve never visited a Romanian cemetery before, and found this visit fascinating both in terms of history, culture and as well as architecture.
This is a bonus video to enjoy, and includes some samples of EVP captured on the day.
I truly enjoyed this outing and sincerely hope that you will too.


Hajongard cemetery (officially Central Cemetery, in Hungarian Házsongárdi temető, from German Hasengarten), on Avram Iancu Street, is one of the oldest cemeteries in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, founded in the sixteenth century. It is one of the most picturesque sights of the city. It covers an area of ca. 14 hectares.

VIEWING LINK (Operational from 2200 hrs, GMT 8th November 2017).

Saturday 21 October 2017


In October 2017 while in Chicago for the para-con, I visited in company with Cheryl Lynn Carter and Melissa De Santis, the cemetery and woods at Bachelor's Grove, Midlothian, Illinois.

Reputedly the world`s most haunted cemetery, it certainly lived up to it`s reputation with a series of amazing events which included - EVP, strange smells, and the sounds of a woodman splitting logs and musket fire from the woods being recorded to camcorder.
A very intense investigation, and one I hope you will all enjoy.

This show will be viewable from the second link at 10pm (UK time) today, Saturday October 21st 2017.

The Main Show