Thursday 31 January 2013


KUCHING: A miniature fountain near a grand stage opposite Hong San Si temple along Wayang Street in the city has a spooky tale to tell.
Those living nearby who know about it might experience a hair-raising moment when passing the place in the wee hours of dawn.
But many pedestrians passing by can’t help but fall in love with the miniature fountain and garden which they see as another landmark in the vicinity of China Town.
According to legend, during the reign of the first White Rajah in Sarawak in the 1830s, Rajah James Brooke saw a boy about seven years old playing with water next to the Hong San Si grand stage when he passed the area.
The Rajah asked the people about the boy, only to be told that they could not see a boy of his description there.
The followers of the temple believed the boy was the manifestation of Kong Teck Choo Ong – a boy deity.
According to a source, the Rajah marked the spot by erecting a water hydrant there to bring prosperity to Kuching, but it was later torn down to make way for development.
In 2005, former Padungan Assemblywoman Datuk Lily Yong who heard of the legend reinstalled a fire hydrant and garden to perpetuate the ghostly legend for the people of Kuching.
The area in the vicinity of Carpenter Street with a predominantly Chinese community is now known for holding the Mooncake Festival every year.
So if you are in that area, do visit the spooky water fountain to be part of the legend.
Meanwhile, food and drink hawker trader Simon Kueh who sells local dishes urged the authority to maintain the garden and take care of the place.
He said the Hong San Si grand stage is a popular place to hang out for tourists stopping for a meal.
“This place is a golden triangle for visitors and we should maintain it. The legend gives the area a creepy feel which can be a tourist draw,” he said.
“I have been trading here for some time now and we try to make the place pleasant. As for the legend, I have yet to get an experience of the spine-tingling kind,” he said, chuckling with laughter.

Story: BorneoPost


This video only clip was captured by a FLIR thermal imager on an investigation by Knoxville Paranormal Detectives, Knoxville, Tennessee in 2010. It appears to show the sat figure of a boy (right of screen).
The figure wasn`t seen by any investigator, and apart from the FLIR, it has not appeared on any other equipment.

When the figure was approached in the hallway of a property, it promptly disappeared.
There were no children (as far as I am aware) present during this investigation.


New Talbot manager Ajay Chohan was baffled when his mobile phone vanished from inside the main bar room of the West Bromwich pub while clearing up in the early hours of the morning.
He immediately went to check video camera footage in a bid to solve the mystery. While scrolling through the film he saw the phone, which had been left on a chair, fly on to the floor. “It was crazy,” said Mr Chohan, aged 30. “No-one was near it and then it just flies off the seat and lands about three metres away from where it was originally.”
Since the incident at about 3am last Tuesday there have been a number of other ghostly occurrences.
Orb-like lights have been seen on the walls of the pub in Black Lake and one worker said she felt someone touch her on the shoulder, even though there was no-one there.
New Talbot manager Ajay Chohan
Former landlord Gary Stephens died after suffering a heart attack inside the pub 20 years ago and some staff believe his ghost could be responsible for the strange occurrences. Mr Chohan added: “One regular customer – his dad used to run the pub – said the seat where I put my phone was where he used to sit.
“A few people have been saying it could have been his way of telling me that was his seat.”
He added: “I’m a sceptic but when you see things like that it makes you think twice.
“There is no explanation. The vibration function on my phone is broken, there is no draft inside the pub.”
The pub opened more than 100 years ago.
Last year tens of thousands of pounds was spent revamping the two-storey building.
Source: Express&Star


The Dress Whites Ghost

I was volunteering on the USS Hornet with a group of my fellow U.S. Coast Guardsmen. We were painting a compartment and a few of us were wearing white Tyvek paper suits. When our paint started running low, I went off in search of the Hornet worker who was supplying our paint, and I got lost in the process. As I wandered the passageways I came off a "side" passage onto the starboard main passageway, one deck below the hangar deck. I saw what I thought was one of my co-workers stepping off the main hall onto a side passage about 25 feet away from me. I called out to him but he kept walking and when I got to the hall he stepped into, there was a chain blocking the entrance and it was an empty compartment. Needless to say, I was confused, but I kept walking and eventually found my way back to the room we were painting. When I saw the co-worker I thought I had seen earlier, I mentioned to him that I had called to him in the passageway, but he told me that he hadn't left the room for about an hour. Later, when I mentioned this to the Hornet employees, one lady said that I had seen the "Dress Whites Ghost," apparently an apparition of a sailor wearing his dress white uniform.
Bob E.

Ignored by officer

My husband and I went with my aunt to tour the USS Hornet. At the end of the day when the tours were closing down, my husband dragged me into a section of the ship that was obviously not open to tourists. The hallways were dark, the side rooms had bed frames tossed into them, debris was strewed all over like a trash heap. I was getting nervous we would either get lost or get into trouble for being in a section that was closed. Suddenly, a full-uniformed officer came from around the corner. I knew for sure we were in trouble. He walked past us. He never made eye contact -- no acknowledgment of our presence whatsoever. He then turned into one of the rooms about 10 feet ahead. We followed behind him, and when passing the room he went into, again piled high with bed frames and whatnot, he was gone. I told my husband we had to get out of there. Just then my camera crashed to the floor. The camera came apart from the strap. I have owned this camera for eight years. Never before and never since has the camera come off the strap. I think back now, and I think what set off alarms was the lack of air movement as he walked by, and NO acknowledgment we were even there. I truly believe we saw a ghost!

Cryptic comment

I was on a sleepover along with a friend, her mom and my mom. I thought it would be normal. I was wrong. I had just turned out my reading light. I was on the third bunk. My friend was sleeping beside me, but nobody was under me. I tried to go to sleep. I felt three pushes below me like I was being woken up, so I got up. I looked around and I saw a white light in the corner and saw two sailor ghosts. One said to the other, "Watch that one." First I pinched myself. It hurt. Unfortunately I was the only one awake so nobody else saw.

Passing comment

Dad was laying in his rack, and a guy walked up and told him, "I used to sleep there," and walked away. Never saw him after that.
Bo M.

Weird camera troubles

I went to the USS Hornet with a couple of my friends. We wanted to see if we could find any ghosts, so we took a video camera. My camera was fully charged. When we went into the place where they did surgery, my camera all of a sudden shut off and said "low battery powering off." I thought that was odd. Me and my friends felt cold air going past us. We were scared out of our minds, so we ran to the flight deck and I tried to turn on my camera. It was fully charged and running normal. When I was watching the tape I slowed it down before the part where the camera turned off. I could see a light white figure in the corner, but when I was in that room I had seen nothing.

Story: MercuryNews

Wednesday 30 January 2013


Ghosts have been a popular subject for millennia, appearing in countless stories, from "Macbeth" to the Bible, and even spawning their own folklore genre: ghost stories. Ghosts are perhaps the most common paranormal belief in the world. Part of the reason is that belief in ghosts is part of a larger web of related paranormal beliefs, including near-death experience, life after death, and spirit communication.

The idea that the dead remain with us in spirit is an ancient one, and one that offers many people comfort; who doesn't want to believe that our beloved but deceased family members aren't looking out for us, or with us in our times of need? Most people believe in ghosts because of personal experience; they have seen or sensed some unexplained presence.

The science and logic of ghosts

Personal experience is one thing, but scientific evidence is another matter. Part of the difficulty in investigating ghosts is that there is not one universally agreed-upon definition of what a ghost is. Some believe that they are spirits of the dead who for whatever reason get "lost" on their way to The Other Side; others claim that ghosts are instead telepathic entities projected into the world from our minds.

Still others create their own special categories for different types of ghosts, such as poltergeists, residual hauntings, intelligent spirits and shadow people. Of course, it's all made up, like speculating on the different races of fairies or dragons: there are as many types of ghosts as you want there to be.

There are many contradictions inherent in ideas about ghosts. For example, are ghosts material or not? Either they can move through solid objects without disturbing them, or they can slam doors shut and throw objects across the room. Logically and physically, it's one or the other. If ghosts are human souls, why do they appear clothed and with (presumably soulless) inanimate objects like hats, canes, and dresses — not to mention the many reports of ghost trains, cars and carriages? If ghosts are the spirits of those whose deaths were unavenged, why are there unsolved murders, since ghosts are said to communicate with psychic mediums, and should be able to identify their killers for the police. And so on; just about any claim about ghosts raises logical reasons to doubt it.

Ghost hunters use many creative (and dubious) methods to detect the spirits' presences, often including psychics. Virtually all ghost hunters claim to be scientific, and most give that appearance because they use high-tech scientific equipment such as Geiger counters, Electromagnetic Field (EMF) detectors, ion detectors, infrared cameras and sensitive microphones. Yet none of this equipment has ever been shown to actually detect ghosts.

Other people take exactly the opposite approach, claiming that the reason that ghosts haven't been proven to exist is that we simply don't have the right technology to find or detect the spirit world. But this, too, can't be correct: Either ghosts exist and appear in our ordinary physical world (and can therefore be detected and recorded in photographs, film, video, and audio recordings), or they don't. If ghosts exist and can be scientifically detected or recorded, then we should find hard evidence of that — yet we don't. If ghosts exist and cannot be scientifically detected or recorded, then all the photos, videos, and other recordings claimed to be evidence of ghosts cannot be ghosts. With so many basic contradictory theories — and so little science brought to bear on the topic — it's not surprising that despite the efforts of thousands of ghost hunters on television and elsewhere for decades, not a single piece of hard evidence of ghosts has been found.

Why many believe

Many people believe that support for the existence of ghosts can be found in no less a hard science than modern physics. It is widely claimed that Albert Einstein suggested a scientific basis for the reality of ghosts; if energy cannot be created or destroyed but only change form, what happens to our body's energy when we die? Could that somehow be manifested as a ghost?

It seems like a reasonable assumption — unless you understand basic physics. The answer is very simple, and not at all mysterious. After a person dies, the energy in his or her body goes where all organisms' energy goes after death: into the environment. The energy is released in the form of heat, and transferred into the animals that eat us (i.e., wild animals if we are left unburied, or worms and bacteria if we are interred), and the plants that absorb us. There is no bodily "energy" that survives death to be detected with popular ghost-hunting devices.

While most ghost hunters engage in harmless (and fruitless) fun, there can be a darker side. In the wake of popular ghost-hunting TV shows, police across the country have seen a surge in people being arrested, injured, and even killed while looking for ghosts. In 2010, a man died while ghost-hunting with a group of friends hoping to see the ghost of a train that crashed years earlier. The ghost train did not appear — but a real train came around a bend and killed one man.

The evidence for ghosts is no better today than it was a year ago, a decade ago, or a century ago.There are two possible reasons for the failure of ghost hunters to find good evidence. The first is that ghosts don't exist, and that reports of ghosts can be explained by psychology, misperceptions, mistakes and hoaxes. The second option is that ghosts do exist, but that ghost hunters are simply incompetent.Ultimately, ghost hunting is not about the evidence (if it was, the search would have been abandoned long ago). Instead, it's about having fun with friends, telling stories, and the enjoyment of pretending they are searching the edge of the unknown. After all, everyone loves a good ghost story.

Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of "Skeptical Inquirer" science magazine and author of six books, including "Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries." His website is

Source: LiveScience

Whilst I can speak in total agreement with Mr Radford on much of what he has written, there are clearly peppered throughout this article, examples his own personal bias. 

From the start to the end, Mr Radford clearly doesn`t believe in the afterlife. And to be fair, if you have no core religious belief system, or you`ve never seen or experienced ghostly activity, the presumption is quite understandable. 

However, I would sharply contend with Mr Radford on a number of points.

He picks up upon the varying categories of ghosts that people have created to explain different types of phenomena. One area he focused on were `poltergeists`. In truth, most students of the paranormal don`t actually believe that poltergeists are a particular type of spirit. Because (unlike Mr Radford) we relate to poltergeists as a particular type of activity, and quite unlike anything as fanciful as `fairies` ( as he condescends) and suchlike. 

Yes, `shadow people` are more a product of a wild imagination than anything factual, because there are (and I have yet to have this disproved) no specific `race` of shadow beings. Shadow forms are merely one aspect of activity that spiritual presences are seemingly capable of creating, such as (for example), electronic voice phenomena (evp) or more rarely, full body manifestations.

He further adds, `There are many contradictions inherent in ideas about ghosts. For example, are ghosts material or not? Either they can move through solid objects without disturbing them, or they can slam doors shut and throw objects across the room. Logically and physically, it's one or the other.`

Why are these contradictions? That makes no sense to me whatsoever. To me he is attempting to cloudy the waters with what he might describe as `scientific fact`. 

The problem is that Mr Radford compares everything to the known laws of physics. A professor of physics at Cambridge University once confided with me that the laws of physics are changing all of the time. He was open to the notion that in time, science will eventually make a breakthrough with our understanding of the `ghosts` phenomenon, and that the laws of physics as we currently understand them, will ultimately change. But until that time, we are stuck with a limited understanding of something that is presently beyond our level of comprehension. 

Mr Radford further contends with the viewpoint that others like me share, which is that technology has yet to be fully developed that would allow and improve our understanding of the paranormal.

His attitude is that either ghosts exist and appear in our ordinary physical world (and can therefore be detected and recorded in photographs, film, video, and audio recordings), or they don't.

What he has conveniently ignored is the experience of actually being in an actively haunted location where you see clearly weird anomalies which don`t appear on camera, or even better, anomalies that were not seen at the time of recording, but appear on film.

There is clearly a long way yet to go, but making facile statements like these in an otherwise well written piece will only broaden the divide between those that believe, and those that don`t. 
And that sadly after all of this hot air, is exactly where we all stand.

Chris Halton

Tuesday 29 January 2013


A building in the leafy suburbs of Berlin has been dubbed the house of doom after it emerged that nine people died unnatural deaths there in the last 15 years. Tabloid newspaper Bild dug up the details.

Built just 25 years ago in the Gatow district of Spandau, the large house has been home to a brothel owner who ended up decapitated, the suicide pact of a British journalist and his lover, and the murder-suicide of an entire family.

The most recent was scientist Lorin W., who earlier this month bumped his car into the vehicle in front at the traffic lights. When the driver rang the police, the Siemens employee tore off onto the motorway, where he lost control at a speed of 200kph and died in the crash.

But Lorin W. was not the first to meet his maker in a nasty accident. A brothel owner who was renting the top floor apartment was decapitated while flying down the nearby Autobahn on his motorbike in 2003.

Summer 2012 and Berlin police were called to the building's maisonette apartment, where they found the bodies of 69-year-old Kristian B., his wife Kathrin, 28, and their two sons aged six and three.

The debt-riddled asset consultant had suffocated them all before killing himself with a plastic bag. He had previously given up his infant daughter into a baby hatch.

Officers also found the bodies of British journalist John D. and his partner Jörg K, the pair both had advanced stage AIDS and decided to commit suicide together.

Another suicide rocked the house in 2000, when a Dutch man taped up all of his doors and windows, lit a barbecue and died shortly after of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Source: TheLocal


The now closed Strand Station on the London Underground
The London Underground… over 50% of which is actually above ground… serves a large part of Greater London and neighbouring areas in Essex, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. It is commonly known as the Underground or the Tube, the latter nick-name deriving from the shape of the system's deep-bore tunnels. It is not only the longest underground railway in the world by route length (over 250 miles) it is also the world’s oldest. The Metropolitan Railway Company opened its Metropolitan Line for business on 10th January 1863 and within months its trains were carrying over 26,000 passengers daily. Today, 145 years later, the London Underground can boast 11 lines (Bakerloo, Central, Circle, District, Hammersmith & City, Jubilee, Metropolitan, Northern, Piccadilly, Victoria and Waterloo & City). It serves 268 stations by rail and an additional 6 stations that were on the East London line (closed in 2007) are served by Underground replacement buses. 14 Underground stations are outside Greater London and 5 of those (Amersham, Chalfont & Latimer, Chesham, Chorleywood, Epping) are beyond the M25 London Orbital motorway. Of the 32 London boroughs, only 6 (Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Kingston, Sutton and Hackney) are not served by the Underground network. In 2007 a billion people travelled on the network.

Ever since the first line was opened in 1863, however, one of the major headaches facing the engineers and the army of construction workers commissioned to expand and develop the network has been the presence of huge burial pits dating back to the summer of 1665 when London was ravaged by an outbreak of bubonic plague (a.k.a. the Black Death).

Since no-one knew for certain how many of these plague pits were actually dug, nor where they were located with any degree of accuracy, it was inevitable that as the railway network continued to expand more and more of these 17th century plague pits would be disturbed often without any warning. This is exactly what happened when the Victoria Line was being constructed in the 1960s. A huge tunnel boring machine ploughed straight into a long-forgotten plague pit at Green Park traumatising several brawny construction workers on site.

To the southern end of the London Road Depot (Bakerloo Line) there are two tunnels. One exits onto the running line between Lambeth North and Elephant & Castle stations. The other is a dead-end tunnel designed to stop runaway trains. Behind the wall, however, at the end of this particular dead-end tunnel is yet another one of London’s many plague pits.

Liverpool Street Station, the London terminus of the former Great Eastern Railway, is actually built upon a plague pit as is Aldgate Station (on the Circle Line) and the Piccadilly Line between Knightsbridge and South Kensington is said to curve around "a pit so dense with human remains that it could not be tunnelled through".

Setting aside the awful legacy of the plague pits for a moment, the London Underground has also witnessed its own fair share of human tragedy in the last 145 years.

People have been killed building the network. People have been killed maintaining the network. People have died of natural causes on the network. People have been murdered on the network. Others have used the network to “end it all” by throwing themselves in front of a speeding train. There have been train crashes, derailments and major fires on the network that have all claimed lives. In the dark days of the Blitz on London, Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe scored direct hits on a number of Underground stations causing devastation, disruption and loss of life and the Underground has also been the target of terrorists on more than one occasion. The most recent terrorist attack occurred on 7th July 2005 when suicide bombers claimed the lives of scores of people.

Given that the London Underground has carved its way through a veritable charnel house of decaying corpses…many of whom were interred with little or no dignity and without any funerary rights…and that it has also witnessed thousands of sudden and often very violent deaths since it first opened for business in 1863, is it any wonder that the London Underground has acquired a reputation for ghostly goings on?

As someone who has, from a very early age, firmly believed that the soul survives the physical death of the body it would actually be more of a shock to me if the London Underground wasn’t haunted and what follows, therefore, is a quick trawl (in alphabetical order) through some of the Underground’s most often repeated ghost stories.

I sincerely hope that the reader will enjoy reading these stories as much as I did researching them for this article.

This tube station is located at Aldgate in the City of London. On the Circle Line between Tower Hill and Liverpool Street it is the eastern terminus of the Metropolitan Line and it was opened on November 18, 1876. It was built on the site of a plague pit in which, according to the author Daniel Defoe in his “Journal of a Plague Year”, 1,000 bodies were buried in only two weeks during the plague of 1665. The station was badly damaged by German bombing during World War II.

Some years ago, an electrician working at the station made what should have been his last mistake. Somehow he managed to send over 20,000 volts of electricity through his own body. By all accounts he should have been killed. Instead, however, he was just knocked unconscious and, apart from bruising his forehead, he was otherwise unharmed. His colleagues had been watching him just before the accident happened. Once he had sufficiently recovered, his colleagues all swore that, just prior to the incident that should have claimed his life, they had seen an almost transparent figure of an old lady standing alongside him gently stroking his hair. I guess the electrician wasn’t the only one who had a shock that fateful day…
Phantom footsteps, that end abruptly, have also been heard coming from within the tunnel.

This is a disused tube station on the Piccadilly Line. Opened in 1907 as Strand Station it was originally intended to be the southern terminus of the Great Northern and Strand Railway. Re-named Aldwych Station in 1917 it ended up as the terminus for a very short branch line to Holborn. This branch line was closed during World War 2 and its tunnels were used as air raid shelters and to store various national treasures from the British Museum including the Elgin Marbles. Re-opened after the War it was finally closed on 30th September 1994 when the cost of refurbishing the lifts at the station was deemed to be uneconomic.
Situated at the junction of the Strand and Surrey Street, the L-shaped surface building has been largely restored to its former glory. Its well preserved interior has made it a very popular location for trendy parties, book launches & art exhibitions. The Station has also featured in a number of films including The Battle of Britain (1969), Superman IV – The Quest for Peace (1986), The Krays (1990), Patriot Games (1992), Creep (2004) and V for Vendetta (2006). The station facade was also used as a base-location in the BBC Three documentary series Spy and Firestar’s Waste a Moment video was shot here. It is also featured on Level 12 of the Tomb Raider video game.

As it was built on the site of the old Royal Strand Theatre it is perhaps fitting that its resident ghost is that of an actress that once trod its boards. Over the years, numerous people have claimed to have seen her agitated ghost wandering the Station’s deserted platforms and eerie tunnels late at night.

Over the years, a number of passengers travelling north on the Bakerloo Line have reported seeing the ghostly reflection in the carriage window of someone sitting next to them even though the seat next to them is actually empty.

Bank and Monument are interlinked stations, spanning the length of King William Street in the City of London. Servicing five Underground lines, plus the Docklands Light Railway, which runs into Bank together they form the seventh busiest station on the network. Officially, the stations are known as the Bank-Monument Complex, although the separate names remain in use on station entrances, platforms and the tube map. The two stations derived their names from the nearby Bank of England and the Monument to the Great Fire of London.

On January 11, 1941, during the blitz, over 50 people were killed and nearly 70 people were injured when the Central Line ticket hall took a direct hit from a German bomb. The resulting crater measured 120ft long and 100ft wide and it had to be covered with a bailey-bridge for traffic to pass over. The station was put out of action for 2 months.

It is not, however, a victim of that dreadful January day that haunts Bank Station. It is the ghost of Phillip Whitehead’s sister, Sarah.

Phillip Whitehead was as a cashier at the Bank of England. Arrested for forging cheques he was subsequently tried at the Old Bailey, found guilty and hanged in 1811. The tragedy drove Sarah quite mad and for the next 25 years…the rest of her life in fact…she came to the Bank every day dressed completely in black, in the forlorn hope of finding her brother. For that reason her ghostly apparition has acquired the nick-name the Black Nun. Some people believe that Sarah’s daily presence in and around the Bank was the reason why the Bank of England acquired the nick-name of the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, a nick-name it still enjoys to this day.

Sarah’s ghost has been glimpsed on numerous occasions in the Bank’s garden and on the platforms and passageways of Bank Station and there have also been reports of foul, unexplained smells and feelings of great sadness, anxiety and hopelessness in the station.

Becontree is a quiet, commuter over-ground station on the District Line in east London. Opened in 1932 it has 4 platforms but only 2 are currently in use.

In 1992 a Station Supervisor, working a late shift became un-nerved when a door in his office that opened onto the national railways platform rattled three times for no apparent reason. Feeling distinctly uncomfortable he left his office to find one of his colleagues upstairs for a reassuring chat. He walked along the platform but, as he neared the staircase, he had the distinct impression that someone was walking behind him. Turning round he was confronted with the rather disturbing image of a woman in a white dress with long blond hair but with no face. There was, in his words, just a “blank” where her features should have been. The image faded away after a few seconds. When he spoke to his colleague shortly after, his colleague confirmed that he too had seen the apparition.

In 1958, 10 people died in a train collision on this part of the District Line. Both trains had left Becontree Station just minutes before.

When Britain declared War on Germany in September 1939 Bethnal Green Station (on the Circle Line), as one of the few deep level stations in the east end of London, it was an obvious choice for a huge public air raid shelter. Situated in a densely populated urban area, the shelter contained 5,000 bunks and had at times held up to 7,000 people. It is particularly tragic, therefore, that the station that had saved so many lives at the height of the blitz on London (September 1940 to May 1941) became the site of Britain’s worst civilian disaster of the War.

Following heavy bombing of Berlin by the RAF on 1st March, 1943 many Londoners…anticipating a retaliatory strike by the German Luftwaffe…decided in the days immediately following the Berlin raid to get into the underground shelters early i.e. to settle down for the night before the sirens actually sounded and so, at 8.17 p.m. on the night of 3rd March, 1943 when the air raid sirens across London sounded to announce another German air raid, about 500 people were already sheltering inside the station.

Between 8.17 p.m. and 8.27 p.m. a further 1,500 people safely negotiated the solitary staircase into the station. It was raining outside so the steps were wet and slippery. The staircase did not have a central handrail and the only illumination for those making the treacherous descent came from a solitary 25 watt bulb.

At 8.27 p.m. a terrifying explosion was heard as a newly installed anti-aircraft battery in a nearby park fired off a salvo of 60 experimental rockets into the dark night sky. The noise of the explosion was so loud and so unfamiliar to the local residents that many of those in the crowd waiting to descend into the station thought that a German bomb had exploded nearby and unease quickly turned to blind panic.

As the crowd surged forward and began to press down the slippery steps, a woman carrying a baby in her arms tripped and fell as she neared the bottom. A man who had been just behind her then fell over her and others then fell over and on top of him. In less than 20 seconds, hundreds of people found themselves being crushed in the narrow and dimly lit stairwell at the foot of the staircase…and on the staircase itself …by the hundreds of people still coming down the stairs from the street above completely unaware of the tragedy that was unfolding literally beneath their feet.

173 people (27 men, 84 women and 62 children) - more than the victims of the Paddington, Moorgate and King’s Cross disasters and the 7 July bombings combined - died of asphyxiation in the stairwell of Bethnal Green Station that terrible night and the sheer horror and scale of the tragedy has, it seems, left an indelible imprint upon the very fabric of the station as the Station Supervisor in 1981 found out to his cost..
The last train had long since departed and all the staff, apart from him, had gone home for the night. Having secured the station and turned off some of the station lights he had returned to his office to catch up on some paperwork. He hadn’t been back in his office for very long, however, before he heard what sounded like young children crying and sobbing. At first, he didn’t think anything of it but the sound of the crying steadily grew louder and louder. Then he began to hear agitated female voices followed by loud, heart-rending screams and other loud noises that he couldn’t identify. This cacophony of sound…which he said sounded like “people panicking”… went on for about 10 to 15 minutes and it so un-nerved him that he left his office and went to the top of the booking hall to get away from it. He freely admitted that the experience had been very frightening and it was something that he would remember for the rest of his life.

This abandoned tube station on the Circle Line (it closed on 25th September 1933) was said to be haunted by the spirit of a long dead Egyptian Princess whose mummified remains are in the nearby British Museum. A national newspaper once offered a reward to anyone who would dare to a night in the station on his/her own but no-one took up the challenge.

Covent Garden tube station is on the corner of Long Acre and James Street and is one of the few underground stations in Central London that doesn’t have any escalators. Platform access is by stairs (195 steps) and lift only. It is on the Piccadilly Line between Leicester Square and Holborn.

The station is said to be haunted by the ghost of an English actor by the name of William Terriss.

Born on 20th February, 1847 William Charles James Lewin took to the stage in 1867 under the stage-name of William Terriss. He quickly established himself as a very popular actor in Victorian London in a variety of swashbuckling and heroic roles. Because of his “action man” style he gained the nick-name of “Breezy Bill”.

On 16th December 1897 as he was entering the Adelphi Theatre on the Strand to prepare for the evening's performance of a play called “Secret Service”, he was stabbed to death by a deranged and disgruntled actor he had once befriended by the name of Richard Archer Prince. As he lay dying in the arms of his leading lady he is supposed to have whispered to her “I’ll be back”. Now where have I heard that line before?

An employee of the London Underground who saw his ghost in the Station in 1955 …and who subsequently identified him from a photograph of the actor that was taken in his hey-day….described him as very tall and distinguished gentleman “wearing an old-fashioned grey suit with a funny looking old-style collar and light coloured gloves”.

In addition to haunting Covent Garden Station, which stands on the site of a bakery he frequently visited in life, Breezy Bill is also said to haunt the Lyceum Theatre which is just off the Strand and possibly the Adelphi Theatre where staff in the early 1950s witnessed a similar apparition to the one seen in Covent Garden Station in 1955. They called their ghostly visitor “Charlie”.
The last reported sighting of Breezy Bill’s ghost at Covent Garden Station was in 1972 although members of staff have, in the intervening years, reported hearing strange noises and phantom footsteps on the platforms when no-one was there.

The station is on the Bank Branch between Kennington and Borough and it is the southern terminus of the Bakerloo Line. It is also said to be haunted.

Maintenance and cleaning staff working in the station late at night have reported hearing the sound of someone running along the deserted platform. The phantom runner has been heard on numerous occasions but has never been seen. In addition, strange tapping sounds have been heard on the platform and doors in the station have been known to suddenly slam for no apparent reason.

A ghost that has been seen by both staff and commuters alike is that of a young woman who has been seen boarding a train at the station only to disappear completely once the train starts to pull out of the station.

This tube station is in central London near Trafalgar Square and Fleet Street. It is one of the network’s busiest inter-change stations serving the Bakerloo, Circle, District and Northern Lines. Over the years, many of the station staff and contractors have reported very strange feelings and unusual experiences in one of the station’s disused tunnels that runs under the River Thames. The tunnel is known as Pages Walk.

Witnesses claim to have heard and seen doors in the tunnel opening and then slamming shut without any human assistance and that they have been watched by unseen eyes.

They have also reported the presence of “cold spots” and that that the atmosphere inside the tunnel is oppressive and menacing. It seems that whoever haunts Pages Walk has no desire to share it with he living…

The station is in Clerkenwell in the London Borough of Islington. It serves the Metropolitan, the Hammersmith & City and the Circle Lines and is said to be haunted by the ghost of a 13 year old girl named Ann or Annie Naylor, an apprentice hat maker. This unfortunate girl was brutally murdered in 1758 by the man to whom she was indentured and his wife. The murder took place in a building that was demolished to make way for the station which opened in September 1863. Many people, over the years, have heard her tormented screams and cries in the bowels of the station earning her the nick-name of “the Screaming Spectre”.

Highgate high-level station & platforms (now abandoned and derelict) are situated in a cutting between two pairs of tunnels directly above today's Highgate Station on the Northern Line. Although today the station buildings and the platforms are “off limits” to the general public they can clearly be seen from various vantage points in the surrounding area. These high level platforms once served a railway line that ran from Finsbury Park to Alexandra Palace. In the late 1930s a plan was put forward to fully electrify the line and to integrate it into the Northern Line but, thanks to the Second World War, the plan was never implemented. The line continued to be used by steam trains until 1954 when it was finally closed. The actual rails, however, were not removed until the 1980s.

According to local residents, however, the eerie sound of trains passing through the disused cutting, now overgrown with weeds, has been heard on numerous occasions.

This station is on the Piccadilly Line between Knightsbridge Station and Green Park Station. It is one of the few stations on the London Underground that has no associated buildings above ground. The station is completely underground.
In November 1978 a gentleman by the name of Mr. Barry Oakley was the Station Supervisor working the over-night shift at Hyde Park Corner. He had closed & emptied the station and had shut the escalators down. Having checked that he had properly removed the breakers…a piece of equipment designed to stop the escalators from moving…he and a colleague returned to the Station Supervisor’s office.

At about 2.30 am there was a “commotion” in the booking hall area. When he and his colleague left the office to investigate they discovered that the escalator they had come up on was actually back-on and working. They both found that very strange because, with the breakers out, the escalator wasn’t…as far as they knew…connected to any electricity supply and to start an escalator running a special key needed to be used. It was about 3.20 am when he and his colleague got back to the Supervisor’s Office having conducted a very thorough…but fruitless …search to discover what had caused the “commotion” they had both heard in the booking hall area.

Feeling more than a little un-nerved at the night’s strange events, Mr. Oakley decided to make them both a hot cup of tea. As he did so, however, a feeling that he was being watched by an invisible presence in the office grew in intensity. In addition, the temperature in the office suddenly plummeted to such an extent that he could actually see his breath as he exhaled. At that point he turned round and noticed that his colleague was leaning against a table that was up against the office wall and that he was extremely pale and clearly in a very distressed state. It took Mr. Oakley about 5 or 10 minutes to get his colleague to open-up to him about what was wrong and, when he did, he simply asked him “Did you see the face?”

His colleague then told him that as he (Mr. Oakley) had been making the tea, a disembodied head had floated through the office wall and had spent some time staring at the pair of them. Shortly after, Mr. Oakley’s colleague decided he could no longer stay on duty and left the station to go home. He never returned to work on the London Underground again

Ickenham tube station is located in Ickenham in the London Borough of Hillingdon. The station is on the Uxbridge branch of both the Metropolitan Line and the Piccadilly line between Ruislip and Hillingdon stations.

First appearing in the 1950s the ghost of a woman who fell onto the track and was electrocuted is said to haunt the station. Wearing a distinctive bright red scarf she invariably appears at the end of the platform, close to where she fell to her death. She has been known to wave to other people on the platform if to attract their attention…before suddenly vanishing before their very eyes.

The Jubilee Line Extension (which begins just south of Green Park Station and terminates at Stratford Station in east London) was constructed in the 1990s and opened just before Christmas in 1999.

The extension carved its way through the grounds of several old monasteries forcing the re-location of 683 exhumed graves. Ever since, numerous sightings of phantom monks on this part of the network have been reported.
Just like every other line on the London Underground, every mile of the Jubilee Line is checked each night…on foot…by track-walking patrolmen who walk the dark tunnels on their own.

A patrol man, with over 20 year’s experience, had a very frightening experience whilst walking the track one night between Baker Street station and St. John’s Wood station. As he sat down for a break he suddenly heard …and saw…heavy footsteps crunching down on the ballast between the railway sleepers. The ballast was being disturbed with every step. It was as if an invisible entity was physically walking down the track. As he sat there with his mouth open in a state of disbelief, the footsteps continued right past where he was sitting but then stopped about ten yards further up the tunnel. After he regained his composure he managed to complete the track-walk.

In the early hours of the morning, just before his shift came to an end, he told a colleague what had happened to him on the walk. To his surprise, his colleague didn’t ridicule his account or call him crazy. On the contrary, his colleague told him that other patrol men and maintenance workers had experienced the same thing on that part of the Jubilee Line. His colleague went on to say that there used to be a patrol man who, prior to his death, used to walk that particular stretch of track on a regular basis and it was probably his ghost that he had encountered earlier in the night.

Records show that at least 5 maintenance staff have been killed on that particular stretch of track.

A “balloon loop” is a track arrangement that allows a train to reverse direction and return to where it has come from without the need to shunt or, in some case, even stop.

One such “balloon loop” exists south of Kennington Station (Northern Line) and is known as the Kennington Loop. The loop tunnel allows southbound Charing Cross Branch trains to be terminated at Kennington Station. Then, empty of passengers, they run round the loop to begin their return journey north.

A least 2 train drivers, sitting alone on their empty trains waiting for permission to proceed through the loop, have reported hearing the un-nerving sound of the connecting doors between the carriages opening and closing as if someone was walking through the carriages towards the driving compartment.

King's Cross St. Pancras tube station is in the London Borough of Camden and is the biggest interchange station on the London Underground, with six lines on four pairs of tracks. In May 1998 a young woman in her twenties with long brown hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt was spotted kneeling at the side of one of the station’s entry corridors by a passer-by. She had her arms outstretched and was crying piteously. The passer-by stopped and was just about to speak to her to find out what was wrong and to offer some assistance when someone walking down the corridor from the opposite direction passed straight through the woman without breaking step. The apparition then promptly vanished. It was only then that the would-be “good Samaritan” realised that the young lady had been a phantom.

On 18th November, 1987 a devastating fire at the station killed 31 people but it is impossible to say whether this apparition is in any way connected to that fire and, since I have not been able to find any other subsequent sighting reports, the sighting in May 1998 appears to be have been a “one-off” event.

This is one of the longest and oldest disused tunnels on the network. Closed in 1900 it stretches from Borough Station to the north side of London Bridge. In the 1980s a photographer, commissioned by London Transport to take pictures for a book the Company was bringing out, took a series of photographic slides in the old tunnel and was surprised to see, on one of the slides, the slightly translucent image of a man standing near the tunnel wall. A medium later went to the site where the picture was taken and claimed to have made contact with the spirit of a man who had died breaking up a fight during the tunnel’s construction.

Liverpool Street Station (a.k.a. London Liverpool Street), with approximately 123 million visitors a year, is the UK’s third busiest station after Victoria and Waterloo. It is located in the north eastern corner of the City of London. The connected tube station is the fifth busiest tube station on the underground network with 4 lines passing through it (3 sub-surface and 1 deep level). CCTV footage from every station in London is monitored 24 hours a day by Line Controllers based in a separate location.

In the summer of 2000 the Line Controller who was monitoring the footage from Liverpool Street Station noticed a man dressed in white overalls standing in the entrance of the Central Line’s eastbound tunnel. What made it so unusual was the fact that it was 2.00 am. The station had been closed for the night and there were no contractors scheduled to be working there. The Line Controller rang the Station Supervisor, a man with 23 years of experience of working on the underground, and asked to him to investigate.

The Station Supervisor went down to the eastbound tunnel and looked in it and all around the immediate area but could find no trace of the man in the white overalls. Using a telephone at the foot of the escalator he rang the line controller and told him that he had conducted a thorough search of the area but hadn’t been able to find the man.

The Line Controller, clearly perplexed said “But this guy was standing next to you. How could you not see him?”

The Station Supervisor assured him that he had conducted a very thorough check of the area and that there was definitely no-one down there. He even asked the Line Controller whether the image of the man could have been the result of a “blip” on the CCTV system but, when he was assured that the system was in perfect working order, he agreed to conduct a second search of the area just to be absolutely certain.

The Station Supervisor went and conducted another search of the area but the result was the same as the first. He could not find any trace of the man in the tunnel or in the immediate vicinity of the tunnel.

He returned to the telephone at the foot of the escalator, called the Line Controller and told him that the second search had also failed to find any trace of the man in the white overalls. The Line Controller was insistent, however, that as he watched the second search of the area on his TV screen being conducted he had clearly seen the man in white overalls standing within touching distance of the Station Supervisor.

Reluctantly accepting what the Station Supervisor had told him, the Line Controller thanked him for carrying out the searches and rang off.

As the Station Supervisor turned and walked back onto the eastbound platform he noticed to his left a bench and on that bench was there was a pair of white paper overalls.

The Station Supervisor was certain that if anyone had walked out of the tunnel whilst he had been on the telephone he would have seen them and he would also have seen anyone leaving the overalls on the platform bench.
What happened that night at Liverpool Street tube station remains, therefore, yet another unsolved mystery of the London Underground.

NORTHERN LINE (Between Oval & Stockwell Tube Stations)
In 1984 a trainee manager was required (as part of his training programme) to walk the tunnel of the Northern Line…when all the trains had stopped running for the night…between Oval and Stockwell stations.

As he trudged up the dark and silent tunnel, armed only with his battery powered torch, he came across an older man working in a wider section of the tunnel. The workman was using an old fashion Tilly lamp. These paraffin fuelled lamps had once been in common use on the London Underground but, by 1984, they had all but disappeared having been replaced by battery powered torches.

The trainee manager stopped for a chat with the workman.

The trainee manager made a comment about how unusual it was to see someone still using an old Tilly lamp to which the workman replied that he preferred the Tilly lamp to the new torches. The trainee manager then asked the workman whether this wider section of the tunnel had a name and was told it was called South Island Place. After saying goodnight to each other, the trainee manager set off again on up the tunnel and arrived shortly after at Stockwell Station.

He then rang the station supervisor at Oval Station to inform him that he had safely completed the required track-walk and that the track appeared to be in good order. He was just about to hang up the receiver when he suddenly remembered the workman he had seen and so he told the supervisor about the workman he had seen in South Island Place. The supervisor then informed him that there was not supposed to be anyone working on that section of the line that night. A search of the track between Oval and Stockwell Stations was hastily organised to locate the workman but no trace of him was ever found.

The trainee manager later found out that the ghost of a workman who had been killed by a train in the 1950s near South Island Place had been seen on numerous occasions. The workman had been operating a very noisy compressor at the time of the accident and he probably never heard the sound of the approaching train that was about to end his life. The unfortunate driver of the train that killed him reported that, at the time of the fatal collision, the man had been carrying a Tilly lamp…

South Kensington tube station is in Kensington, west London. It is served by the District, Circle and Piccadilly lines. On the District and Circle lines the station is between Gloucester Road and Sloane Square. On the Piccadilly Line it is between Gloucester Road and Knightsbridge.

In December 1928 a passenger alighting at the station from the last westbound train of the evening was startled by the shriek of a train whistle. Suddenly an unscheduled spectral train appeared heading eastbound with a ghostly figure wearing a reefer jacket and a peaked cap hanging onto the side of the engine. The train and its unusual passenger vanished into the tunnel never to be seen again.

VICTORIA LINE (Near Vauxhall Tube Station)
The ghost of a very tall workman (some witnesses say that the ghost they saw was nearly seven feet tall) wearing brown overalls and a flat cap has been seen on a number of occasions in the tunnels near to Vauxhall tube station.

Story by: Mike Heffernan

Source: UnexplainedMysteries


Here are a series of three videos showing alleged paranormal activity in a warehouse. The events appear to be shadow form figures and poltergeist activity.

Here are some comments from the poster:

` This video was taken at a warehouse my hubby used to work at and has since closed down. ( Company left state)There has been many experiences, there including a full body apparition that was seen by another employee who thought it was a real person.This video was taken by the security camera around 3:15 A.M. Hubby's boss even called the alarm company to make sure no one had turned off the security code. No doors were ever opened. "

1 of 3 incidents caught on CCTV camera at a warehouse.
A member of " {BA} Paranormal Group " uploaded the original and has kindly given us
permission to reproduce the videos a copy of this permission is available on request.
So a special thanks to " SynfullyWkd67 " for allowing us to reproduce this footage.`

As always, the decision as to it`s authenticity lies with you, the viewer. But interesting to say the very least.


The Middleton`s - `Haunted`

Kate Middleton’s parents are in the center of a new ghostly experience which reportedly has ties to the late Princess Diana. According to the Mirror on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, the new home that Kate’s parent’s purchased is in the area that the ghost of Lady Winchcombe is said to travel past at midnight.
It seems that the late Princess Diana was a descendent of Lady Winchcomb, who died of a broken heart centuries ago. It is reported that the ghost of Lady Frances Winchcomb has been seen riding past the Middleton’s new manor in a chariot that is drawn by six black horses. Lady Winchcombe’s ghost is described as a “lady in white” who rides on a chariot that is said to be driven by “headless postillions.”

Lady Winchcombe - Haunting
The ancestor of Princess Diana is said to have died of a broken heart after her husband cheated on her. In October of 1718 Lady Winchcombe died after starving herself due to the betrayal of the husband she loved. For some reason she wasn’t buried until December, which spawned the theory that she could never rest in peace, according to Historian Martin J. Wayland.
Lady Winchcombe’s husband had run off with his mistress three years prior to her death in 1715 and moved into a French chateau at Marcilly with his new love the Marquise de Villette. Apparently the ghostly sightings date back to 1898 as Wayland claims he was able to date the reports of Lady Winchcombe’s ghost riding through the area near the Middleton’s home back to that time.
Did Kate’s parents know that their new £4.7 million manor in Bucklebury came with a midnight haunting of their new son-in-laws ancestor? The chariot that carries the ghostly apparition is said to give off strange noises as it makes its midnight rounds. Residents of the area report it sounds as if it is rattling along the lane. What do you think, did the Middleton’s get more than they bargained for when they bought their new estate?

Sunday 27 January 2013


Kurt Begue says he has never seen a ghost and he doesn’t believe in them. He’s a Christian, he says, but when you die, you’re gone. You don’t hang around as a ghost.

Oh, Begue knows plenty of people who tell him they’ve seen strange apparitions and heard disembodied voices, but he’s an engineer and wants hard proof, he said, and no one’s ever been able to provide that.

So it’s curious that Begue is a founding member of an outfit called “In Nomine Paranormal Research,” a local group of paranormal investigators who, according to their mission statement, seek to produce quantifiable evidence of spirits and other strange things.

One of their favorite places to do research, oddly enough, is the Masonic Temple at 216 E. Washington Blvd., that huge sandstone cube that sits practically next to the downtown YMCA.

There is no record that anyone has ever died in that building, Begue said, but when it comes to the paranormal, the temple, some say, is one of the most active buildings in the state.

How come?

“It depends on how you interpret life and death,” Begue said. “If you’re caught in a limbo, where do you go? To a place that feels like home, where you feel welcome, comfortable and safe,” he said.

Begue doesn’t buy a lot of stuff, such as cold spots and drafts and electromagnetic spikes, as evidence of spirits or ghosts. All old buildings have cold spots. They’re drafty. Old wiring can create electromagnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields can have an affect on the brain, he said.

He also looks askance at unintelligible, static-filled recordings of so-called entities that people claim are voices saying something.

“If an entity is intelligent it can give you an intelligent (and understandable) response,” he said.

Once someone sent him a photo of an individual with a fuzzy entity standing in the picture. Was it a ghost? Begue said he immediately asked whether the photo was taken by a particular model of cellphone, which it was. Well, he said, that phone has a flaw that causes cloudy figures to appear in all photos when lighting is poor.

Look, he says, the country is full of paranormal investigators who say they’ve had personal experiences, but you can go through the entire Internet and not find a single video or recording that provides concrete proof.

Whether you believe in this stuff or not, though, there’s nothing like going through that huge, ornate temple and having a look around. In Nomine members have gone through the place several times in the past few years.

Some members of In Nomine have told him stories of things they’ve heard and seen, but Begue said he has never seen or heard a thing himself.

Source: JournalGazette

I found this piece curious to say the very least.

Begue claims he is a Christian, and has never seen a ghost, and once you`ve gone, you`ve gone .... he says. 

Although he is now a paranormal researcher, he doesn`t believe in the paranormal. So as a paranormal researcher do you think you`ll get an unbiased viewpoint?  Of course you won`t, because the paranormal doesn`t exist, - as a Christian man like Begue would testify. 

You could say (and with good cause) that Begue is not a paranormal researcher, but a paranormal denier. And like all good paranormal deniers, he makes assumptions based around his own belief mechanism rather than embracing the fact that many believers may have good reason to believe - with evidence to support it. 

But to Begue these are but a minor distraction. After all, (so he says) he has checked out the internet and has yet to find `concrete proof`. But (and no disrespect here intended), there is no concrete proof that a man called Jesus was really the son of God. In fact, I could argue that I too have trawled the internet for proof of this, and have yet to find any.

So, does that mean I have to become a religious researcher, and create my own religious research site in order to destroy Christianity? Of course not. But unlike Begue - as a real paranormal researcher, I accept that we are all entitled to believe or worship in whatever we want to follow. I am not a Christian, persae, and I do not believe that any one individual could ever be the son or daughter of God. 

But I do not decry those that follow these beliefs. In fact, I often visit churches to meditate and make my own personal communion with God, but that is my choice to do so, and I do not expect people like Begue to try and discredit me for doing so - whether it`s the paranormal or even for a man called Jesus.

If Mr Begue runs true to form, I expect him to contact Google and get this article shelved from my site for breach of copyright. If he does, I will tell you. But then perhaps I am making too many false assumptions, -  just like Mr Begue!

We will see .....

Chris Halton

Friday 25 January 2013


Washington, USA / CROSS / UFO observed for the fourth time at the inauguration of the current President according to "Fox News."
A strange disc-shaped object with two red lights side appears for a few seconds just before the monument to George Washington during the ceremony.

But there were enough cameras to capture the event. This isn`t the first time ever that a UFO has been "seen" before Barack Obama. The first documented case is November 1, 2008 in Colorado, during his campaign rally.

Then some images were announced by TV MSNBC. Then the second time aliens came near Obama January 20, 2009.

The third case is in Norway on 9 December 2009, when Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Note: Story translated from Bulgarian.

Source: Cross (Bulgarian Online Network)


A 16th Century manor house said to be among the UK's "most haunted" has been handed over to a trust by Portsmouth City Council.

Wymering Manor has been released by the council with a grant of £30,000 to help towards restoration.

The authority, which owned the building, had said it did not have enough money to carry out repairs.

The Grade II listed house, a favourite with ghosthunters from around the UK, was built around 1581.

Youth hostel
Although most of the building dates from the 16th Century, there are still parts that contain Roman and medieval materials.

A manor house on the site was mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086.

The current building has been a vicarage, home to a Catholic religious order, a family house and most recently a youth hostel between 1960 and 2006.

It is reputed to be haunted by more than 20 ghosts - including a choir of nuns and Sir Roderick of Portchester who was murdered outside the manor in the Middle Ages.

The volunteers of the Wymering Manor Trust are aiming to fully restore the house, estimated at a total cost of more than £500,000.

The leader of Portsmouth City Council, Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson, said the handover should ensure a "bright and positive future".

Story: BBC

Here is a video of an investigation carried out by Spiral Paranormal and made very professionally by my friend and colleague, Marq English.


I found this video from a North American poster who claims his movement sensitive cctv has picked up spiritual activity in his kitchen.
As you will observe, the activity is off to the left hand side of the screen, and although you can see movement you cannot see much more than that.
Is this a ghost caught on cam? Or is it another hoax. Only you can decide.


Are you one of those people who wish they had the million bucks required to buy the Amityville Horror house? Is Paranormal Activity your favourite documentary film of all time? (It’s a documentary, right?)

Well, you just missed your chance, because someone may have just bought a haunted house in the Rhône-Alpes region of France, and all the ghosts contained within, for a mere euro.

As notes, a user who goes by the handle Maud69620 recently auctioned off the 110 square meter property on France’s version of eBay, pictures included, only serious buyers need apply.

Located in a town called Arbresle, the home was supposedly the site of a gruesome double murder in the 1950s and has since been plagued by all sorts of supernatural phenomena – everything from phantom faces at the window and phantom shadows on the floor to strange moving objects and weird, disembodied voices.
The listing claims the home’s former owners, a couple, were killed by “ruthless” thieves searching for some kind of “hidden treasure” buried inside.

According to this legend, the listing continues, their bodies were recovered in a nearby field, but their restless spirits have haunted the house ever since.

Naturally, the ad has generated its fair share of skepticism and its authenticity has yet to be proved, but that hasn’t stopped mainstream media from picking it up and running with it, because, well, who doesn’t love a good haunted house story?

Maud is sticking to her story, however, and specifically asked that anyone who believed her listing to be a fake refrain from contacting her, as the home is intended only for “those who believe in the spirit world.”

Source: YahooNewsCanada

Wednesday 23 January 2013


City Arms pub,Wells

The past is coming back to haunt the City Arms pub in Wells.

Dating from 1649 and formerly the city jail the pub's staff have reported ghostly goings-on, prompting a group of paranormal investigators to see what they could find.

Avon Paranormal Investigators (API) spent the night using electromagnetic field meters and night vision cameras to try to detect any spirit activity.

Dan Lawrence, co-founder of API, said: "We had one of the most active nights we have ever had and we have done quite a few investigations. Some of our equipment we use on investigations was going off the scale, something that doesn't normally happen."

The team included a medium, Mo Sutton, who had a busy evening.

Mo said: "There was a lot of spirit activity and parts of the pub felt cold all the time, which is sometimes a sign.

"I can see the spirits and communicate with them. In some rooms it felt very, very heavy."

The spirits encountered included a mother and daughter in Victorian dress. They went by the names Emily and Isabel and said that they perished during a fire at the pub.

Not all the spirits were as benign. One was described by Mo as a "black character" she called the "hangman". When he appeared Mo claimed that people could feel a noose around their neck and they got the feeling they were not welcome.

The results did not come as a surprise to licensee Penny Lee.

She said: "We've known for a long time that there was something here. We have had cutlery flying off tables and things move around. I felt a bit uneasy but I thought let's let them come and see what they can find."

Even Penny's sceptical son Dom was won over by the nights findings.

The team performed a seance and a man appeared to Mo.

She asked the spirit to "touch" Dom who said he felt a cold and highly charged static force directly behind him.

Dan said: "We didn't aim to scare Dom but I do believe he may now be a bit more of a believer."


My thoughts - With all that has been alleged, are there any video or pictures?


Professor Archie Roy, the astronomer who dedicated much of his career to investigating the paranormal and life after death, has died aged 88.
The Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at the University of Glasgow was a a consultant to Nasa as it prepared to send a man to the Moon in the 1960s.
However, he was more famous for his lifelong interest in the paranormal. He founded The Scottish Society for Psychical Research in 1987 and wrote many scientific papers and books on the subject.
Yesterday, Professor John Brown, the Astronomer Royal for Scotland who worked with Professor Roy at Glasgow, paid tribute to his former colleague.
"Intellectually, he was one of the last great polymaths; he was interested in so many things," Professor Brown said. "But his subject as an astronomer was the mechanics of orbits and he was the world authority on that. Much of the research was done before computers."
It was Professor Roy's work in this area in the 1960s that led him to becoming convinced man would get to the moon before the end of the decade. In 1964, he placed an £11 bet, at 150-1 against, that the Americans would land on the moon by 1971.
When they did, he collected £1200, which at the time was enough to pay half of the cost of a semi-detached house in Kelvindale.
Professor Roy went on to carry out consultancy work for Nasa into the 1970s, but his interest in the paranormal took up much of his time. His son Ian, 46, said his father had wanted to apply scientific rigour to the subject.
"He was a scientist so his interest in the paranormal was as a scientist," said Ian. "It wasn't a mystical or quasi- religious interest; he was trying to prove scientific concepts. He didn't see boundaries where other people saw them. For him, scientifically, nothing was off-limits."
He published more than 20 books, including one, A Sense of Something Strange, for which Alasdair Gray created the cover. His last book, The Eager Dead, which Professor Roy saw as his most important work, was published in 2008.
The books, and Roy's appearances on TV and radio, did much to popularise interest in psychical research and phenomena. He worked as a consultant on the 1970s BBC Scotland drama The Omega Factor, about a government body that investigates paranormal powers, and later was the inspiration for the Bill Paterson series Sea of Souls.
In his later years, Professor Roy continued to teach at Glasgow University, contributing to evening classes in pyschical research well into his 80s.

Source: TheHeraldScotland