This is an advertisement for my new Haunted Earth calendar for 2018.
It is printed on thick paper which is semi-glossy and has unique images taken by me and voted for by viewers on Facebook.
Some of you are aware that photography is a strong interest of mine and here are 13 images shot by me in East Anglia.
This is a limited edition print run and won`t be repeated.
The calendar when folded out on it`s spiral hinge is A3 in size and includes public holidays in the UK and US.
There is also ample space to write in important dates.
I do hope you`ll buy a copy as funding is intended to purchase a higher quality camcorder for my video work.
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Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain,
Fri 15 Dec
Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands,
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Fri 22 Dec Special Delivery Guaranteed Saturday Delivery
Thur 21 Dec Special Delivery Guaranteed
Thur 21 Dec 1st Class and 1st Class Signed For
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Here is a purchase link:

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ReplyDeleteFolinu should supply your body with healthy plant fats and fish fats which will be beneficial for you growing a longer mane. A good combination of fats, along with non-refined carbohydrates, proteins and hair growth vitamins is a winning combination for the growth of a healthy mane.
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ReplyDeleteDiet plans that offer weight loss by drinking their product for several meals followed by a "sensible dinner;" diets that allow you to eat their special cookies for most meals along with their pre-planned menu; or diets that attempt to have you eating their bars, drink, or pre-made meals, are of the diet A variety covered above. They're easy to follow but destined for
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ReplyDeleteI know what you're thinking, 'that's about 95% of the foods at the grocery store.' You would be correct to think this. Here is a list of foods you should avoid.
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ReplyDeleteCylophin RX This report has revealed that the average white male penis size is 6.2inches long and 3.7 inches in circumference. This report also shows that the average black male penis size is 6.3 inches long and 3.8 inches in circumference. That is only a couple millimeter difference,
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