Saturday 31 March 2012


Here is a short video shot in my own very actively haunted home. As you are aware, the house has generated some very weird light anomalies over the years, and more recently electrical appliances have turned themselves on, and ectoplasmic energy has been caught on video cam.
My home has a very active `portal` or doorway from spirit to this world, and generally the activity has been quite positive and pleasing. This can be evidenced by spiritual anomalies appearing when requested during any visit to the master bedroom which houses the core activity as the portal is located in that room.
Events now appear to be increasingly more proactive with door banging and opening as you will see on this video.

NOTE: If you enjoyed, please `like` on Youtube video page.

More investigations soon. (See bonus photo links below video - all shot inside this very active room!)

Shadow form of man from entrance door to bedroom

Huge orb captured on the night the door was banged

Face captured on furniture on night door opened

Energy with `vapour trail`

Ecto-mist captured on Regency period chest of drawers

Close-up of above. You can clearly see paws or hands in the mist.


BEEVILLE (Kiii News) -

Some strange goings on have been taking place at a British style pub in Beeville that have some folks thinking the pub might be haunted with ghosts.

Ever since the Dog and Bee Pub opened up last year, employees there have been witnessing things they simply cannot explain.  Then some surveillance footage captured one of those strange events and now has folks talking after it was posted on to youtube.

Employees there have been spooked after seeing one strange thing after another.  One server told 3News the strangest thing he observed was on Halloween night.  He was working the closing shift and was in a backroom with a security guard when they saw something.

"I'm facing away from this wall behind me and just gossiping about everything and something catches my attention.  And I turn and look and right about here, I just see this big tall, about 6', 6'7" foot tall black figure kinda looked like a man, like in a giant trench coat.  And I looked at it, and looked back down and I was like wait and looked back again and it just took off running back toward the kitchen," says head server, Naazir Hinojosa.

Naazir says he and the security guard chased after the figure and then saw a swinging door flapping open and shut.  When they went in there the figure was gone.  Naazir says he had chills up his arms and legs and got out of there as fast as he could.

Employees have also witnessed the chandeliers moving randomly, state of the art televisions turning on, after they had been turned off, globes with candles breaking on their own in the drawers and glassware falling off of the shelf.

Then one night in November, after the place had been closed and everyone had left, something strange was captured on surveillance video.  Wooden mahogany chairs near a gothic church pew seemingly fell to the ground on their own.

"We couldn't figure out why, we figured somebody may have broken in.  Well when reviewing the camera footage on our surveillance system we noticed the table literally had gotten knocked over by itself, and also its sister table was knocked over by itself," says pub manager, Alan Johnson.

Also strange about the footage is that the surveillance cameras are motion activated.  So some movement had to turn them on before the chairs and tables fell.

The general manager says paranormal investigators came by to see if they could find anything and their equipment did pick up some strange frequencies and abrupt changes in temperature.

As a way to calm themselves down, the employees talk to the alleged ghost, who they call Toby.  They say when they do that, it seems to work and not as many strange things happen.


As far as ghost stories go, the one they tell at Arlington's Overlee Community Pool is spine-tingling: A young girl in Victorian garb, appearing in the window of a 100-year-old house that sat on the property. Patrons sometimes hear odd bumps and noises or wander into inexplicable cold patches there.

Now, as construction crews are renovating the pool and razing the Victorian-era Febrey house, the so-called Ghost of Overlee was enough to send one construction worker home.

Just over a month ago, a group of construction workers was preparing to demolish the house, which served as the pool's clubhouse for several years. Suddenly, one of them spotted something -- a little girl peering from a window, he told his co-workers.

The man went inside to find the girl sitting silently on the basement stairs. He turned around, then turned back -- but the girl had disappeared.

"He was really shook up," said site supervisor Jeff Schreiner, who hasn't seen the girl himself but says he "believes in apparitions" nonetheless. "He came in the next day and asked the supervisor if he could be relocated to a different project."

For the residents of the Overlee neighborhood, these stories are nothing new, and by all accounts, they take their neighborhood ghost very seriously. Ask, and they'll tell you the ghost girl's name (Margaret Febrey), her age (she died at 14 in 1913) and her connection to the property (her family once lived in the house).

Margaret -- rather, Margaret's ghost -- is a perennial character in the stories local children tell and, some residents speculate, a good-luck charm for the Overlee swim team. The area's civic association in a recent newsletter reminded residents that it's "important to be aware of all aspects of our neighborhood -- even the supernatural elements."

Members of the Overlee pool's board of directors didn't waste any time when construction crews arrived to tear down the Febrey house. They provided contractors with emails detailing the house's history and warning that some workers might spot Margaret.

"We're always cognizant of the fact that she was there. A big deal has been made out of it," said Harry Braswell, the owner of the contracting company at Overlee. "We got an email that had pictures of her and her birth date and the family. They said, 'Watch out -- you may see her.' "

Besides the single encounter with the ghost by the now-gone demolition worker, no other sightings have been reported. But some are concerned that renovations at the pool may have disturbed the Febrey ghost, and pool board members have visited her grave several times to assure her she's "very welcome to come and live in our new house," said Mary Bohan, a member of the board.

"I don't disbelieve in her," she said, laughing. "And I don't think anyone has ever felt anything sinister. We really hope that we're sending good karma to the ghost."

Source: WashingtonExaminer

Wednesday 28 March 2012


JENNY Lavender awoke with a start, snapped from a deep sleep by someone, or something, pressing hard on her legs.

She looked down, her breath turning to smoke in the icy room, and saw the covers move, as if a child was silently walking over the bed.

The click of footsteps on the wooden floor made the 27-year-old sit upright, fear etched on her face.

The giggles and whispers of children filled the air, causing Jenny to leap from her bed. She clearly heard a lisping command of ‘hide’ before racing for the door.

Jenny, for better or worse, had made contact with one of the many ghosts that go bump in the night at Hockley’s Red Lion pub.

“She was absolutely terrified,” said landlord, and Jenny’s partner, Dave Lewis, “and convinced there was no logical explanation. She’s never been in the pub since”.

“Plenty have had very strange encounters at our pub,” added the 32-year-old, “but Jenny’s was something else. I’ve never seen anything during my two years here. Perhaps the spirits don’t like me.”

There’s a resident ghostly centurion soldier, who possibly wandered from nearby Icknield Street Roman road, and an elegant lady in long gown and high collar who strolls from kitchen to staff bedroom.

Regular Terry Oliver has had more than his share of spooky encounters at the 100-year-old watering hole. Electrician Terry vividly remembers the moment he and two colleagues were working to re-wire the pub cellar.

They downed tools when the apparition of a man in brown work coat and cloth cap appeared in a corner.

They later learnt a drayman had been crushed on the exact spot, an 108 gallon barrel pinning him to the floor.

The pub, which has more spirits than most, is featured in city ghost walks organised by Michael Reddy and Ian Braisby.

Michael said there’s a good reason why the Red Lion has so many dead regulars.

“I think it’s down to work practises in the Jewellery Quarter going back in time,” he said.

“Health and Safety was never a big thing, so, for example, you have the story of the drayman squashed in the cellar. We talk about binge drinking today, but the Victorians were quite partial to a tipple.”

Evidence of ghostly goings-on at the pub are compelling, added Michael.

“With the cellar incident, you have three people who stopped at the same time and said, ‘did you see him?’. Why would those three people all give exactly the same account – they had nothing to gain from it?”



Adele has reportedly invited Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda Field to stay at her haunted mansion.

The 23-year-old 'Someone Like You' singer reportedly believes her 10-bedroom home is Sussex, England, is being staked out by ghosts, and has invited super-natural enthusiast Robbie and his wife Ayda Field to come and experience the spooky goings-on.

A source said: ''Adele's often said she hates staying at home alone in the mansion because she's sure it's haunted and she gets spooked.

''She knows Robbie and Ayda are fascinated by the supernatural and has offered to have them to stay for a haunted weekend any time they like.

''Adele thinks they are both fantastic and would love to spend some time sharing ghost stories and witnessing paranormal activity.''

The Grammy Award-winning star left London and moved to the £7million house a few months ago after undergoing surgery on her vocal chords. It is thought doctors advised her the clean, country air could aid her recovery.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: ''Adele is a London girl through and through, but she's never been particularly into the showbiz circuit so when it was suggested she move out of the city, she agreed immediately.

''The idea is for her to live in the countryside, away from the capital's smog and pollution.''

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Remember the school house in Hitchcock`s movie, `The Birds`?
Many assumed this weirdly remote looking building to be a set, but actually it`s a real building in Bodega Bay, Bodega, California, and as this report indicates it is a building that is very haunted..

Monday 26 March 2012


Source: The Mail newspaper (UK)
Before Kells Irish Pub in Seattle became a charming family-run bar, it served as a waiting room for  the afterlife -- a mortuary purpose-built to handle flood of dead bodies produced by plague, mining accidents and violence in the early 1900s.

The owners of the bar say a piece of that dark history has clung to their humble establishment, meaning the haunted pub serves up a host of spirits, along with pints of beer. 

Bartenders, patrons and ghost hunters all claim to have seen specters of ghosts at the pub late at night.

Inexplicable events have occurred that the owners say can only be attributed to other-worldly forces.

Mirrors have shattered, plaster falls off walls as if on cue and glasses have slid mysteriously to the floor.

The pub has been a beacon for ghost hunters in Seattle for years -- thanks to numerous reports of paranormal activity and the building's black past.

On All Saints Day in 2005, Karen McAleese says she saw something she still cannot explain walk through the kitchen of Kells pub, which her brother owns.

'He was a tall man who looked like he was part black, with a suit jacket on,' she reported to the Seattle Times.

'He had very thin hands. He walked to the end of the bar and just kind of faded.'

McAleese believes that spirit, along with others supposedly spotted in the building over the years, belongs to one of the thousands -- perhaps millions -- of dead people who passed through Kells back when it was E.R. Butterworth and Sons Mortuary.

The Butterworth Building, constructed in 1903, was Seattle's first structure built specifically as a mortuary -- to handle throngs of dead bodies piling up in the city.

Is this a ghostly child or a poor photoshop makeover?

A diphtheria epidemic, poor sanitation, mining accidents and violent crime made undertaking a growth business in those days. And Butterworth raked in cash, handling funeral arrangements for all Seattleites -- from the lowest working-class refugees to the wealthiest pillars of society.

Among the bodies to pass through the mortuary, legend says, were nearly all of the patients of a Dr Linda Hazard -- a woman who believed she could treat disease with starvation.

She denied her patients food and gave them a regimen of thin broth and regular enemas.

In 2010, the Travel Channel show 'Ghost Adventures' brought a crew of paranormal investigators to Kells pub to try to confirm reports of ghost sightings.

During their trip, the hosts claimed they snapped a photo of what appears to be a small, disfigured child sitting on the steps leading up to the main floor of the pub.

They also reported hearing footsteps above them when the building was vacant and distant, tortured whispers.

My view? I have to say that I`m not that impressed by this evidence. Zac plays around on screen with a new digital still IR camera and picks up a shape that in sincerity could be anything. But as it`s on Ghost Adventures, it can only be a ghost of a very weirdly crippled child. And `cleaned up` the imagery is even less impressive. I don`t deny this building is haunted, I just question the theatricality of it all.

Saturday 24 March 2012


The Turin Shroud
For centuries the Turin Shroud, regarded by some as the burial cloth of Jesus, by others as the most elaborate hoax in history, has inspired extraordinary and conflicting passions. Popes, princes and paupers have for 700 years been making pilgrimages the length of Europe to stand in its presence while scientists have dedicated their whole working lives to trying to explain rationally how the ghostly image on the cloth, even more striking when seen as a photographic negative, and matching in every last detail the crucifixion narrative, could have been created. And still a final, commonly agreed answer remains elusive, despite carbon-dating in 1988 having pronounced it a forgery.
“That’s what first attracted me,” says Thomas de Wesselow, an engagingly serious 40-year-old Cambridge academic. “I’ve always loved a mystery ever since I was a boy.” And so he became the latest in a long line to abandon everything to try to solve the riddle of the Shroud.
Eight years ago, de Wesselow was a successful art historian, based at King’s College, making a name for himself in scholarly circles by taking a fresh look at centuries-old disputes over the attribution of masterpieces of Renaissance painting. Today, he still lives in the university city – we are sitting in its Fitzwilliam Museum café – but de Wesselow has thrown up his conventional career and any hopes of a professorial chair to join the ranks of what he laughingly calls “shroudies”.
“In academia, the subject of the Shroud is seen as toxic,” he reports, “and no one wants to open the can of worms, but try as I might I just couldn’t resist it as an intellectual puzzle.”
For most “shroudies”, though, it is more than just intellectual. It offers that elusive but faith-validating proof that Jesus died exactly as the gospels say he did. But again it gets complicated, for the Vatican, since 1983 the owner of this hotly disputed icon, disappoints “shroudies” by limiting itself to declaring that the burial cloth is a representation of Jesus’s crucified body, not his actual linen wrap. And it has accepted the carbon-dating tests as conclusive.
The face of Jesus?
De Wesselow dismisses those tests as “fatally flawed”. So, although he describes himself as agnostic, he now finds himself in the curious position of being more of a believer in the Shroud than the Pope. His historical detective work has convinced him, he insists, that it is exactly what it purports to be — the sheet that was wrapped round Jesus’s battered body when it was cut down from the cross on Calvary.
But that isn’t the half of it. His new book, The Sign, the latest in a long line of tomes about the Shroud, makes an even more astonishing claim in its 450 pages (including over 100 of footnotes). It was, suggests de Wesselow, seeing the Shroud in the days immediately after the crucifixion, rather than any encounter with a flesh and blood, risen Christ, that convinced the apostles that Jesus had come back from the dead.
If true, I point out, he is overturning 2,000 years of Christian history. But he doesn’t even blink over his teacup. He’s either a very cool, calculating chancer, single-mindedly out to make a quick buck with an eye-catching theory that caters for gullible readers of the likes of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail or Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods, or he’s absolutely sincere. “I am an art historian,” he responds calmly, “not a theologian, so I can approach the problem from a new angle.”
It feels like we’ve reached a moment for laying our cards on the table before we start examining the details of his theory. The exact nature of the Resurrection troubles me, as it does many Christians. Was it physical, against all the laws of nature but as the Church claims, or was it “symbolic”, as the Bishop of Durham, David Jenkins, famously suggested in 1984?

The Turin Shroud - On display
Jenkins’s use of the phrase “a conjuring trick with bones” may have caused outrage – and was, he said later, a misquotation – but his willingness to question a “literal” resurrection did not put him so far outside the Christian mainstream as is often suggested.
“For my part I come from a standard Church of England background,” says de Wesselow (who was raised in Winchester; his exotic surname results from his Frenchified Russian ancestry). “Church was a familiar, likeable institution but it hasn’t impinged on my life too much.” The first challenge he faces is how to place the Shroud in first-century Jerusalem. The standard historical record of the Shroud – broadly endorsed by carbon-dating – traces its first appearance back to the 1350s in rural France, when a knight called Geoffrey de Charny put it on display in his local church. “But where did he get it from?” de Wesselow asks, perfectly reasonably.
He highlights a connection between the French knight and the Crusaders who sacked Constantinople in 1204. “And we have a description of a cloth, that sounds very like the Shroud, that had been seen before that in Constantinople, described as the burial cloth of Jesus, that then goes missing and is never heard of again.” So, de Wesselow’s theory is that it was taken to France by the Crusaders as looted bounty.
But what were the origins of the cloth in Constantinople? This brings us to the oddly named “Holy Mandylion” (man-dill-e-on), a long lost relic in Eastern Christianity, said to be the imprint of Jesus’s face. “The Mandylion was brought to Constantinople in 944,” says de Wesselow. “That is recorded. It was an object of fascination, said not to be made of paint but of blood, and described as a landscape shape, rather than a portrait.”
The legend of the Mandylion is also given a reworking by de Wesselow. That cloth looted in 1204 was, he proposes, also the Mandylion. Its landscape format, he suggests with the aid of diagrams, was the result of it being the top fold of a bigger cloth – what we know as the Turin Shroud.
It is an intriguing theory, with plenty of circumstantial evidence in those 100 pages of notes, and even mention of possible sightings back in the mid-sixth century, but nothing more precise. At the risk of sounding like an accountant, that leaves us 500 years short of first century Jerusalem.

A 3d view of The Turin Shroud
“Yes,” de Wesselow replies, with just a hint of impatience, “but we are sitting here in the Fitzwilliam Museum and in its display cases are plenty of objects whose exact provenance includes long gaps. That happens very often in art history. A Caravaggio turns up in the 19th century and we have no idea from where, but we can use science and detective work to attribute it to him.”
In the case of the Shroud, that science includes two tests: one for pollen in the fibres that shows the cloth to be more than 1,300 years old, published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2005 “but ignored despite being good science”: and another by a textile expert, during a 2002 restoration, that found parallels between the Shroud’s warp and weave and those of first century Jewish cloths.
What is becoming plain in our discussion is that in making his claims, de Wesselow has done very little first-hand research himself. His contribution has to be to gather up the work of others, re-examine past investigations (he draws heavily on the digging done by British author, Ian Wilson, a key figure before the carbon-dating tests, now living in retirement in Australia), and then tease out new conclusions. He is, essentially, taking existing pieces of a jigsaw and assembling them in a new and startling pattern.
It is not a description he particularly likes when I put it to him, but neither does he substantially contradict it. Instead he admits to a dislike of the popular “personal quest” genre of books that walk and talk their way through whole continents attempting to solve, among other subjects, the mysterious configuration of the pyramids or the fate of Atlantis.
“That always seems to me a very artificial way of going about it,” says de Wesselow, whose research by contrast was largely done at his desk or in libraries, save for one episode he recounts in the book when the connection between the Shroud and Resurrection came to him in a kind of eureka moment in the garden of his Cambridge house.
Having established – at least for the purposes of argument – the Shroud in first century Israel, it is now time to turn to his potentially even more earth-shaking theory, namely that the Resurrection was a kind of optical illusion.
Christianity teaches that Peter, James, Thomas, Mary Magdalene and up to 500 other disciples saw Jesus in the flesh, back from the dead, in the ultimate proof that he was God. De Wesselow rejects this “divine mystery” in favour of something that he believes is much more plausible.
What the apostles were seeing was the image of Jesus on the Shroud, which they then mistook for the real thing. It sounds, I can’t help suggesting, as absurd as a scene from a Monty Python film.
“I quite understand why you say that,” he replies, meeting me half way this time, “but you have to think your way into the mindset of 2,000 years ago. The apostles did see something out of the ordinary, the image on the cloth.
“And at that time – this is something that art historians and anthropologists know about – people were much less used to seeing images. They were rare and regarded as much more special than they are now.
“There was something Animist in their way of looking at images in the first century. Where they saw shadows and reflections, they also saw life. They saw the image on the cloth as the living double of Jesus.
“Back then images had a psychological presence, they were seen as part of a separate plain of existence, as having a life of their own.”
I am struggling. I have this picture in my mind of the apostles, gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem, being inspired to go out on missionary journeys that resulted in a Church that now numbers a third of the planet in its ranks. And they are looking not at the astonishing sight of Jesus himself, back from the dead, but at a cloth. “If you think yourself into the whole experience of the apostles,” de Wesselow persists, “going into the tomb three days after the crucifixion, in the half-light, and seeing that image emerging from the burial cloth…”
But, I interrupt, if his logical approach is to be taken at face value, wouldn’t they also have seen the decomposing body of Jesus, and know that far from coming to life again, he was well and truly dead?
“But that isn’t how they understood resurrection. The earliest source we have on Jesus is Saint Paul [his epistles predate the writing of the gospels] and there in 1 Corinthians 15-50 — the reference is seared on my memory — you have him saying explicitly that resurrection is not about flesh and blood.”
De Wesselow can quote the relevant gospel passages as readily as any Christian preacher. In the book, he takes each and every New Testament reference to the risen Christ – plus a few from the extracanonical texts of the first and second centuries that were excluded from the Authorised Version of the Bible – and rereads them to fit in with his thesis.
After eight years working on it, Thomas de Wesselow could go on and on into infinite detail, far too much to take on board at one sitting. Yet for every answer – or “new way of understanding” as he prefers to put it — another question inevitably arises.
That, of course, has long been the pattern with all attempts to explain the Shroud. So when, for example, carbon-dating located it between the 13th and 14th centuries, scientists then tried – and so far have failed – to show how any medieval forger could have made such an image, with its effect of a photographic negative anticipating the invention of the camera by 500 years.
Perhaps, I venture, the Turin Shroud is destined always to remain a mystery “No,” replies de Wesselow, suddenly fierce and passionate. “I’m an optimist. I think we have to try our best to understand things. I don’t believe in just leaving problems alone.”
Source: TheTelegraph 

Friday 23 March 2012


Since the advent of photography there has been many reported captures of paranormal activity, and none are more plentiful than those of ghosts captured in churches or religious institutions.
And in many, they represent a long and sometimes troubled history which manifests itself as a figure or light anomaly.
Here are a few such reported captures from across the years, these are not listed by date of occurrence.

 In this early photograph from 1925 in the Domremy Basilica in France. The event celebrated the installation of the British Union flag as a commemorative for the dead from WW1.
The persons present were Lady Palmer (in view) and her companion, a Miss Townsend.
The two others figures (left) were invisible to both Lady Palmer and Miss Townsend.

 Here is an unusual photograph taken at the altar of St Peter`s Church in Rome.
From the feet, it looks like an elderly lady worshipper.

The Sefton Church ghost was photographed in Sefton Church, Merseyside in 1999. Only two photographers were inside this church when the photograph was taken and neither report seeing the ghost when their own eyes but when they took their pictures the ghost clearly showed up in the doorway of the chapel.

This phantom was taken in the St. Nicholas church in Arundel in 1940 and appears to show a priest at prayer at the altar. Nothing further is known as to the photographer or conditions.

In this 1982 photograph from St Botolph`s church in London appears the faint imagery of people in the top right hand gallery. There were no other persons present apart from the photographer and his wife. It clearly looks like a man in medieval clothing. Next door are the remains of an earlier St Botolph`s Priory.

Probably the most famous of all ghost photographs in churches. This was shot in 1963 by Reverend Lord in Newby Church, Yorkshire, England. Reverend Lord claims there was nothing visible to the naked eye immediately prior to shooting the photo.

A Mr Bootman took this photograph in a church at Eastry Kent. When it was developed it showed an apparently phantom vicar sitting in the pews. The only other persons in the church at the time was the photographer and the cleaning lady.

On August 2nd 1975 a Diana Berthelot and her husband Peter with their 12 year old son visited the old weaving village of Worstead during one of their regular holidays in Norfolk from their then home in Essex. They went inside the church to escape the heat, and Mrs Berthelot was sat at rest recovering from the heat and her own poor health. This picture was then taken and appears to show a ghost with healing properties known as the `White Lady`.

She claims being there made her feel much better and was surprised as much as anyone when the ghost revealed itself on the image.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Royal Oak Hotel - Haunted
SHOP owners and hotel staff say they’ve seen and witnessed ghostly apparitions and poltergeist activity at two adjoining buildings in the Conwy Valley.
Both the Anna Davies countrywear store and neighbouring Royal Oak Hotel in Betws-y-Coed are being haunted by a cloaked lady, a nun and a ghostly shadow, say spooked staff.
Reports of strange goings-on date back to the 1960s, but just before Christmas, Pete Ward, who runs the store on Holyhead Road with his wife Sara, claims he had a shoe thrown at him on the first floor launched from a display stand.
“It was about 8.30pm, I was working late by myself and came upstairs to the first floor,” he said.
“I got to the top step and saw a shoe come towards me from the stand. It landed right in front of me.
“I just picked the shoe up, I tried to have a conversation [with the ghost] and said ‘there is no need for that’.”
Pete added: “I’ve always felt something up here, I’ve often felt something behind me by the till.”
Pete’s mother in law Anna Evans, who first opened the original Anna Davies store in 1956, claimed she had a boot thrown at her in the more recently built area of the shop 10 years ago. She also said a member of her staff saw a woman wearing a cape in the stock room during the 1980s.
Whilst living above the oldest part of the shop in the 1960s she also witnessed doors slamming by themselves, objects moving and things going missing.
Anna, who is now retired, explained: “One night I was sitting watching TV and the door slammed by itself. We had a really thick carpet and all the windows were closed. I didn’t know what had caused it at the time.
“Another member of staff also heard footsteps behind them and the noise of what they described as a crinoline dress against the floor, but there was no one there when they turned around.
“Then our secretary felt somebody tap her on the shoulder, but there was nobody there. And we’ve had files go missing and turn up.”
Shop assistant Bridget Ferrell has worked at the shop for the past four years and explained she never felt at ease in the shop, particularly after dark.
“I always leave one light on at night otherwise I feel a bit unsure, I think most of the staff have felt it. Nobody feels threatened but we feel as if there is something here and it goes really cold, even in the summer,” she said.
Sara doesn’t believe the ghost is malicious.
“The shop is a different place in the dark with all the reflections and the mannequins, but I do feel safe here.”
Staff at the neighbouring Royal Oak Hotel, which is also part of the family business, report TVs switching themselves on and off, strange whispering in the corridors and a ghostly shadow walking around the bar area.
Lesley Barry, 45, has worked at the Victorian hotel for the past eight years and says a dark shadow is often seen walking between the toilets and the grill bar.
“We often see somebody walking past in the grill bar, but when you turn around there is nobody there,” she said.
“Just the other night one of our barmen saw it. He went white and was nearly physically sick. When you are walking in the back corridor you can hear somebody whispering, as if they are saying ‘where’ or ‘why’.
“And I’ve been in room 207 and the TV has switched on by itself and a nun has been seen sitting outside room 208.”
Margaret Willies is head of housekeeping and has worked at the hotel for the past 16 years. Margaret has worked at the hotel for 24 years in all and is convinced the hotel is haunted.
“I’ve seen things in the corner of eye while I’ve been in the annex area,” she said. “Things move around, it goes icy cold for no reason when it is such a hot hotel and you get the feeling someone is stood behind you.
“It is definitely haunted, people have heard a man’s voice in the grill bar just by the toilets. Things happen on a daily basis, you get funny smells, especially in the old part of the hotel.”
Secretary and administration worker Barbara Lynch added: “A medium came here and saw a nun praying sitting on a chair outside room 208. I do believe in spirits, but I’m not scared.”
Source: NorthWalesWeeklyNews


In Waupaca County in the town of Clintonville,Wisconsin, USA,  residents have experienced three straight sleepless nights caused by mysterious late night booming sounds that shake their homes.
The local authorities are baffled, and have installed monitoring equipment to trace the epicentre.

This has led to a concerned residents meeting as suggestions imply that the cause might well be their own government conducting late night clandestine experiments in geo-engineering or even the effects from the HAARP program an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and DARPA.

Like the mysterious sounds recorded across the world, the phenomena is not natural, and is certainly a major concern for everyone worldwide. Let`s hope the causes of all these events are traced.
Here is a news report from NBC 26:

Wednesday 21 March 2012


Here is an interesting  video on haunted Stirling Castle. The video deals with the castle`s haunted history.

The first record of Stirling Castle dates from around 1110, when King Alexander I dedicated a chapel here. It appears to have been an established royal centre by this time, as Alexander died here in 1124. During the reign of his successor David I, Stirling became a royal burgh, and the castle an important administration centre. King William I formed a deer park to the south-west of the castle, but after his capture by the English in 1174 he was forced to surrender several castles, including Stirling and Edinburgh, under the Treaty of Falaise. There is no evidence that the English actually occupied the castle, and it was formally handed back by Richard I of England in 1189. Stirling continued to be a favoured royal residence, with William himself dying there in 1214, and Alexander III laying out the New Park, for deer hunting, in the 1260s.

A close-up of the ghost in negative
The `Highland Ghost` - Original photograph from 1935

There are a few recorded ghosts that dwell within it`s walls. The most famous is the green lady of Stirling Castle is said to be the ghost of one of Mary, Queen of Scots servants. Mary herself has been said to be the identity of the ghost of a pink lady.

Source: Wikipedia

The most active ghost is certainly that of the Highland Ghost.
He often appears around the castle in full costume and unsuspecting tourists have approached him as a tour guide to then discover that he ignores them, turns around and walks away.
In 1935, the ghost was unexpectedly caught on camera by an architect taking photographs for building work. When the ghost was revealed on the print the architect was at first dismayed as he had taken the photographs early in the day to avoid getting tourists on them!

For an excellent history of all the castle`s haunted occupants visit this link here: THE GHOSTS OF STIRLING CASTLE


Harriman's Temperance building has a long and storied past.
It has served as an office space, a college, even a jail. Now though it's in danger of falling into disrepair.
"There's an ongoing effort to remodel this building," said Mayor Chris Mason. "It's a beautiful old old building, the first thing that was built here."
An estimated $1-1.5 Million is needed to restore the building to it's previous glory.  Now, some of that will come through public ghost tours. 10News and other media outlets were given a preview Saturday night.
G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal will host the tours once a month. Fifty percent of the proceeds go to preservation efforts.
"With the economy the way it is, we're just going to work every angle we can. And this is a great one to start," Mason said.
"This is not anything the city took lightly," said Richard Ruland, founder of G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal. "We went to four different city council meetings to be able to get this done."
During Saturday's tour, visitors captured several unexplained voices, electro-magnetic activity, and physical sensations.
Mason is already excited about the endeavor.
"This thing has made the news across the world. So people everywhere know about it, and that in itself has already been a big plus for us," he said.
The public tours will be held the third Saturday of every month. To register, visit G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal's website.


Source: Wbir


Here is a news clip of a report from Adelaide Australia on a haunted store.
The current owner bought the property in October 2011 and was told the building was haunted.
The reports were dismissed until sensors detected movement and activated the CCTV which picked up poltergeist activity.
Judge for yourself ..

Tuesday 20 March 2012


Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Here is a video from an investigation at Waverly Hills Sanatorium through the lens of CCTV rigged up in the corridors.
You`ll notice the not too infrequent appearance of a small upright stick object that appears to zoom in and around the corridors.

Here are comments from the poster:

"These are two possible anomalies that we captured on the 3rd floor at Waverly Hills.Very strange to say the least. We have ruled out most animals... If you notice the lightning speed of these anomalies. They are small (maybe 2' tall) and way too large for a bat. You will see a bat about 1 second prior to seeing Anomaly #2".

As always in these matters, you decide!


Here is a video of stills from a night investigation on the Queen Mary during February 09.
The poster has reviewed old footage and discovered images of what looks to be a man in a boiler suit inside the engine room.
Here is what the poster (SatoriSoul) says,

"During an overnight investigation by S.P.I.R.I.T on Feb 28th 2009 of the Queen Mary , something was captured with IR in the engine room. At first one would think it was an actual person but upon closer examination it appears that whatever it is It's not solid. It has a foot buried in the floor and half of It's body is IN the bulkhead, not next to or in front of but IN. You can actually see where it joins the bulkhead, it is also in motion and the two pictures taken shows it in 2 positions, leaning over and standing up. Included is a full spectrum picture of the area for comparison. So much material to go over for so many investigations, more material to be posted on all investigations, apologies for the lateness."

And here is the video:

Monday 19 March 2012


Grieving friends and family members of a deceased Pennsylvania man were both spooked and comforted when they suddenly received mysterious posthumous emails from his account.
The BBC reports that Jack Froese, 32, of Dunmore, Pa., died suddenly of a heart arrhythmia in June 2011.
Five months after Froese’s death, his best friend Tim Hart said he received an email from Froese’s account, with the subject line, “I’m Watching.”
“One night in November, I was sitting on my couch, going through my emails on my phone and it popped up, ‘sender: Jack Froese.’ I turned ghost white when I read it,” Hart told the BBC. “It was very quick and short but to a point that only Jack and I could relate on.”
Inside the email was the message: “Did you hear me? I’m at your house. Clean your f—ing attic!!!”
Before Froese died, Hart said the two had been alone in Hart’s attic, talking about what to do with the space.
“Just he and I up there,” Hart said. “That’s it.”
Froese’s cousin Jimmy McGraw also claimed he received a posthumous email from Froese in November, telling him, “I knew you were going to break your ankle, tried to warn you, gotta be careful.”
McGraw said he had broken his ankle about a week before he got the email.
“I’d like to say Jack sent it, just because I look at it as he’s gone, but he’s still trying to connect with me. Trying to tell me to move along, to feel better,” McGraw told the BBC.
The source of the emails is still a mystery. Froese’s friends say no one had his password and they don’t believe the account was hacked. Hart said he thought Froese’s mother had been sending them, but when he asked her about it she said, “Think what you want about it, or accept it as a gift.”
Receiving mysterious messages from beyond the grave has been reported many times before, but usually it has been a case of a hacker abusing a deceased person’s account or a spamming issue. And it hasn’t always been a rosy experience for those still alive.
In December 2011, Cassie Woods of Stafford, Va., told ABC News she “freaked and cried” when she received an email from her late mother two years after she has died. Paula Chase’s email account had been hacked and was sending out spam messages to everyone in her address book, including Woods and her two sisters.
“I was kind of hysterical at that point and then [the email arrived on my] phone and I fell to the floor,” Woods said at the time. “I’m still struggling with [her] death.”
There are also websites that allow someone to creepily send emails to loved ones after they are gone, including Death Switch and GreatGoodbye. Both sites let you write emails to certain individuals, and save them as drafts, which then will be automatically sent if your account is inactive for several weeks.
And yes, there’s even an app to help you electronically haunt people.  A  Facebook application called “ifidie” allows the Facebook user to select three friends as “trustees” who will be responsible for verifying the death to Facebook. Once that’s done, pre-drafted messages will go out in whatever manner was pre-determined.
Whether Froese did set up such messages remains to be seen. Some may say that’s highly unlikely given his unexpected death. But for now his friends and family seem to have found peace in his communicating with them, even from beyond the grave.
“If somebody is messing around, I don’t care,” Hart told the BBC. “I take it for what I want.”

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Source: ABCNews

Sunday 18 March 2012


DOES this video show a ghost at the oldest pub in Louth?

Andrew Kilbee visited Ye Olde Whyte Swanne
pub in Eastgate with other paranormal investigators one night recently.

He captured a white cloudy form on video and also spoke to electronically generated noise of paranormal origin.

He says the white cloudy form appears on the bottom right of the video after about 22 seconds.

Andrew also photographed an ‘apparition of a woman’ at the end of a corridor upstairs.

Is she the one who haunts the pub?

For more and a photo of the apparition see the Leader - on sale Wednesday March 21.

Source: LouthLeader


PARANORMAL investigators are to look into spooky sightings of a ghostly child pulling a cart near Carew.
The spooktacular sight was spotted on the A477. The witness told the Western Telegraph: “Has anyone else seen a ghost of a young boy pulling a wooden cart which is too large to be a toy?
“I saw him running across the road very quickly and when I arrived at the point where he would have been, there was no sign of him.
“There were just very thick gorse bushes and there is no way he could have disappeared into these. I arrived there in seconds.
 There was no sign of him.”
The sighting has now been passed on to Pembrokeshire Beyond, who investigate ghostly going-on.
Co-founder Shaun Sables said: “Carew is a fascinating place. We have had many reports of a variety of different sightings and experiences from people living and visiting the area.
“From memory this is the first report of a boy pulling a cart that I have heard of.
“It’s hard for us to say what the cause of this is without more specifics and further description of the sighting, though it may well be paranormal.”
Source: WesternTelegraph

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Unquestionably in cryptid circles, the Yeti or Bigfoot are two similarly `related` creatures that are legendary in  the Himalayan region of Nepal, and Tibet, or in the case of the latter, North America.
Despite innumerable sightings, no concrete and indisputable proof of their existence has ever been made until now - if this report of a new species of humans can be confirmed.
It`s physical appearance has some cryptozoologists suggesting that these creatures might well be the ancestors of the Yeti and Bigfoot.
If this is so, then this could provide much valuable evidence of the existence of another branch of the human race that may until today be living in remote areas and away from modern human habitation.
Here is a report from The Guardian newspaper.

The fossilised remains of stone age people recovered from two caves in south west China may belong to a new species of human that survived until around the dawn of agriculture.
The partial skulls and other bone fragments, which are from at least four individuals and are between 14,300 and 11,500 years old, have an extraordinary mix of primitive and modern anatomical features that stunned the researchers who found them.
Named the Red Deer Cave people, after their apparent penchant for home-cooked venison, they are the most recent human remains found anywhere in the world that do not closely resemble modern humans.
The individuals differ from modern humans in their jutting jaws, large molar teeth, prominent brows, thick skulls, flat faces and broad noses. Their brains were of average size by ice age standards.
"They could be a new evolutionary line or a previously unknown modern human population that arrived early from Africa and failed to contribute genetically to living east Asians," said Darren Curnoe, who led the research team at the University of New South Wales in Australia.
"While finely balanced, I think the evidence is slightly weighted towards the Red Deer Cave people representing a new evolutionary line. First, their skulls are anatomically unique. They look very different to all modern humans, whether alive today or in Africa 150,000 years ago," Curnoe told the Guardian.
"Second, the very fact they persisted until almost 11,000 years ago, when we know that very modern looking people lived at the same time immediately to the east and south, suggests they must have been isolated from them. We might infer from this isolation that they either didn't interbreed or did so in a limited way."

One partial skeleton, with much of the skull and teeth, and some rib and limb bones, was recovered from Longlin cave in Guangxi province. More than 30 bones, including at least three partial skulls, two lower jaws and some teeth, ribs and limb fragments, were unearthed at nearby Maludong, or Red Deer Cave, near the city of Mengzi in Yunnan province.
At Maludong, fossil hunters also found remnants of various mammals, all of them species still around today, except for giant red deer, the remains of which were found in abundance. "They clearly had a taste for venison, with evidence they cooked these large deer in the cave," Curnoe said.

The stone age bones are particularly important because scientists have few human fossils from Asia that are well described and reliably dated, making the story of the peopling of Asia hopelessly vague. The latest findings point to a far more complex picture of human evolution than was previously thought.
"The discovery of the Red Deer Cave people shows just how complicated and interesting human evolutionary history was in Asia right at the end of the ice age. We had multiple populations living in the area, probably representing different evolutionary lines: the Red Deer Cave people on the East Asian continent, Homo floresiensis, or the 'Hobbit', on the island of Flores in Indonesia, and modern humans widely dispersed from northeast Asia to Australia. This paints an amazing picture of diversity, one we had no clue about until this last decade," Curnoe said.
Much of Asia was also occupied by Neanderthals and another group of archaic humans called the Denisovans. Scientists learned of the Denisovans after recovering a fossilised little finger from the Denisova cave in the Altai mountains of southern Siberia in 2010.
The fossils from Longlin cave were found in 1979 by a geologist prospecting in the area. At the time, researchers removed only the lower jaw and a few fragments of rib and limb bones from the cave wall. The rest of the skeleton was left encased in a block of rock, which sat in the basement of the Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in Kunming, Yunnan, for 30 years. The fossils were rediscovered in 2009 by Ji Xueping, a researcher at the institute, who teamed up with Curnoe to examine the remains.
"It was clear from what we could see that the remains were very primitive and likely to be scientifically important. We had a skilled technician remove the bones from the rock, and they were glued back together. Only then was it clear what we had found: a partial skeleton with a very unusual anatomy," Curnoe said.
The fossils at Maludong were found in 1989 but went unstudied until 2008.
Lumps of charcoal uncovered alongside the Longlin fossils were carbon dated to 11,500 years, a time when modern humans in southern China began to make pottery for food storage and to gather wild rice in some of the first steps towards full-scale farming.
Marta Mirazón Lahr, an evolutionary biologist at Cambridge University, is convinced the remains are from modern humans. The unusual features, she said, suggest the Red Deer Cave people are either "late descendants of an early population of modern humans in Asia" or a very small population that developed the traits through a process known as genetic drift.
Chris Stringer, head of human origins at the Natural History Museum, London, was similarly sceptical.
"The human remains from the Longlin Cave and Maludong are very important, particularly because we do not have much well-described and well-dated material from the late Pleistocene of China.
"The fossils are unlike recent populations of modern humans in several respects, and the mosaic of more archaic features could indicate the dispersal of a poorly known and more primitive form of modern human that left Africa before the main exodus at about 60,000 years. This dispersal could have reached as far as China, surviving there for many millennia, before disappearing in the last 12,000 years."
But he added: "There might be another possible explanation for the more archaic features. Could these alternatively be attributed to gene flow from a more archaic population that survived alongside modern humans? In the case of the Longlin Cave and Maludong fossils, the most likely candidate would be the enigmatic Denisovans who apparently interbred with the ancestors of modern Australasians somewhere in south east Asia. Could these Chinese fossils be further evidence of such hybridisation?"


Here is a video picked up from Youtube showing quite definitely a human figure moving around on the Victorian pier head at Herne Bay, Kent.
The pier is a derelict with no access from land. According to reports it is in a dangerous state with warning signs posted.
The poster suspects that the figure may be a ghost and claims the long distance filming was because the pier is actually far out to sea.
The question is whether or not a tramp or fisherman would be able to easily access the pier remains. Without being there at the time it is difficult to say anything about this video other than as interesting.

Here is what the poster states:

 Please watch all the way through ghostly figure starts moving at 0:52 Looking at the old derelict pier head 3/4 of a mile off Herne Bay Kent I noticed a dark human shape on the structure and was amazed when the figure started moving. This pier head is in a very dangerous condition and no one is allowed on it. The extremely derelict structure has signs all over it telling people to keep off. I looked all around the pier and filmed through the legs as you can see there is no boat moored to it.The pier head is all that is left of the country's third longest pier at over 3/4 mile long that was before the terrible storm of 1979 destroyed the middle section leaving the old paddle steamer docking station the only remaining section apart from the main pavilion area near the beach.Check out the piers history

And here is the video - you decide..

Tuesday 13 March 2012


Here is a very interesting video. In this `cam from a security cam` video you can see a padlock apparently remove itself from a closed gate that then flings itself open wide.
As I wasn`t there prior to and after the event, I cannot conclusively say this was genuinely paranormal, and of course physical objects are generally easy to persuade to move.
But on what I can see I find this intriguing.

Here is what the poster says:
`A recording taken of CCTV footage showing some spooking goings on in a warehouse. (Please be aware this is Genuine, no Bull, or things screaming at the end)`


Kilmainham Jail
Stories and sightings of apparitions abound in this ancient city steeped in myths and legends. If you do not want to chance an encounter with undeparted souls, there are numerous places you will want to avoid.
Cross St Michan’s Church immediately off your list: behind iron doors, a narrow stone staircase descends to its crypt where the ghoulish remains of up to 800-year-old bodies have been preserved by the dry air. Stacked coffins have caused limbs to protrude at startling angles, and occupants of open coffins look as if they are merely snoozing and might wake any moment. Visitors often hear whispers and voices and feel icy cold fingers pressing on their necks and running down their spines.
Dublin Castle is another do-miss destination if you want to evade the city’s ghosts. The heads of overcome invaders were mounted on the castle’s walls to deter other would-be assailants, and their decapitated corpses lie buried beneath. But according to tour guides, their spirits can stray.
Prisoners at the ominous 18th-century Kilmainham Gaol included the leaders of the 1798, 1803, 1848, 1867 and 1916 uprisings. The gaol closed in 1924, and is now Europe’s largest unoccupied building of its kind — if you do not count the ghosts of former inmates and wardens. Their spectral presence is most frequently sensed around the prison chapel, where 1916 Easter Rising leader Joseph Plunkett married Grace Gifford just hours before his execution by firing squad.
Among Kilmainham Gaol’s inmates was rebel leader Robert Emmet, who was hung, drawn and quartered in 1803. In his speech from the dock during his trial, Emmet famously asked that his grave not be marked until Ireland was a sovereign nation, and the whereabouts of his body remain a mystery today. But his ghost, it is rumoured, is watching out for enemies in Dublin’s oldest pub, the Brazen Head, where Emmet once held Resistance meetings.
Brazen Head is not the only city pub with phantom customers. When the temperature unexpectedly drops in the Bull and Castle (formerly the Castle Inn), it is believed to be the presence of poet James Clarence Mangan, who was born here in 1803.
Kavanagh’s pub is its better-known as Gravediggers, because the gravediggers working at the adjacent Glasnevin Cemetery used to order drinks on the job through a secret hatch. At the bar, there are regular reports of an elderly gent dressed in tweed who drinks a pint and then vanishes.  
Glasnevin Cemetery, as you would expect, has its own spooky stories. One of the more unusual ones is that a ghost of a Newfoundland dog is said to appear at the grave of his master, John McNeill Boyd. The bereft dog starved to death after refusing to leave Boyd’s grave. Sightings of the dog have also taken place at St Patrick’s Cathedral.
If you do not want ghosts disturbing your sleep, you might want to pass on Dublin’s most majestic hotel, the Shelbourne, located on stately St Stephen’s Green. The recently refurbished hotel was built in 1824 on the site of a row of houses. It is rumoured that one of the original residents, a little girl called Mary Masters who died of cholera in 1791, roams the hotel corridors.
Or so the stories go.
If you do want to search out Dublin’s supernatural attractions on your own, several companies offer dedicated ghost tours including Hidden Dublin Walks, which runs a variety of spooky walks and bus tours of the city and beyond.
Source: LonelyPlanet