Awhile back, Mrs. Obama
detailed some strange activity both she and her husband had
experienced. Michelle Obama reported that they were woken up by odd
noises coming from the hallway. In general the Obama family alleges that
they have heard many peculiar bumps in the night, on repeated
occasions. As well, there have been accounts of something gnawing on
their feet in the dead of night, even though nobody was there. This
incident could just be a case of the most infamous haunting in America,
the White House hauntings.
The White House is said to
be one of the most haunted places in America. Spiritual activity is no
doubt present, and has been happening for decades. Take for instance
Dolly Madison. The ghost of Dolly Madison arrived to scold the workers
as they on the brink of pulling her planted flowers. The men got so
scared, they fled. The Rose Garden is still in place today, all flowers
intact as stated by
Other characters who haunt the scene are Andrew Jackson, Abigail Adams,
Andrew Jackson, Annie Surratt, and even tales of a black cat. This phantom feline is said to appear right before a national tragedy occurs.
forward to the here and now, and still, insiders of the White House
agree, something‘s not right. Yet even when the most secure house on the
block, the White House, is hearing creaks and feeling spooked,
something has got to give. Who’s Haunting the White House?,
a book authored by Jeff Belanger, figured out exactly how to answer
that question which is also his book title, by doing some investigating
of his own. Belanger got insider access to the White House in order to
accurately write his book, and the people who spoke were serious about
their encounters.
“Without pause he [the secret
service agent] said, well we understand there’s been a British Redcoat
that’s been seen outside the North Portico and of course a lot of people
have been reported seeing President Lincoln up near the Lincoln
bedroom,” said Belanger, who mentioned the secret service’s voice was
kept at a normal tone, when talking about the ghostly appearances.
highest forms of surveillance are used at the White House, including
the secret service agents who keep a watchful eye out for possible
dangers. Clearly, they do not miss a single step, and act like an
instant replay as in some areas of the president’s humble abode, cameras
aren’t present.
“Now the British Redcoat’s
interesting because in August of 1814, Washington D.C. was sacked, it
was practically burned to the ground during the war of 1812 by the Brits
and the White House itself was just an empty shell, it was completely
gutted by the fire and there’s two spots on the building to this day
that have never been painted that still show those burn marks from 1814,
it’s a window near the North Portico and there’s a window near the
South Side and it’s there as a reminder. And I started wondering is that
British Red Coat also there as a reminder,” explained Belanger to the
Voice of Russia.
Time and time again, prominent
figure President Abraham Lincoln is seen by many, both administration
staff and political figures. His presence may be one of the most
popularly seen spirits serving the White House.
chief foreman, Tony Savoy, his job was to go on the second floor and
turn on the lights in the morning for the first family. To get above the
first floor must be by invitation of the first family only, unless you
have official business and you work for the building. Tony Savoy was
turning on the lights one morning and he said I was walking down the
hall and I stopped and he said right in front of him was President
Lincoln, sitting on a chair with legs crossed and his hands resting on
each other and described what he was wearing, Lincoln looked over at me
and he disappeared,” told Belanger about Savoy’s experience with the
ghost that looked like Abe.
All of these ghosts,
however frightening they may be, have never harmed a soul. Though they
make us shake and shiver and possibly lose some sleep, they are here for
a reason. Some spiritual entities are thought to stick around to be
remembered, while others heed warning. “I think it has a lot more to do
with us than him [Lincoln]. I think we need him. He’s sacred, I know
he’s a political figure but politically speaking he’s as close to sacred
as we get. He just represents the guy that held it together,” said
Belanger strongly believes there is a clear
distinction between the British Redcoat and Lincoln who linger about on
the president’s turf. The redcoat is thought to be a residual haunting,
meaning he is just a memory and nothing more. Residual hauntings are
simply a playback of a past event.
Whereas Lincoln is
more of an intelligent haunting, which means he has the ability to
interact with people. Honest Abe may be able to help guide a president
in power, especially if they summon him on a subconscious level.
Source: TheVoiceOfRussia