Over the years its played host to well known guests like President Roosevelt, John Wayne, and Mick Jagger.
But those who spend the most time there say.. there are some other uninvited guests.
The Bowen family has run the lodge since 1972. Grand son Brandon grew up on the property and says he's had more than one close encounter with the paranormal..
"You're walking through here and you feel it.. There are eyes on the back of your neck. Like you're being stared at and your hair will go up and its just a very uncomfortable feeling," Bowen said.
Using cameras and a device that measures electromagnetic fields, a group of paranormal investigators will spend a full night in the dark, deserted halls looking for signs that they are among something supernatural.
The downstairs bar is one of the main areas the investigators focused on. Over the years guests say they have taken pictures in that room only to find there were more people in the developed photo than were in the room when it was taken.
At the end of the investigation, the crew will bring their findings to the owners, hoping to solve whether the unexplained phonomena comes from the after life or an afternoon breeze.
The team will says they have conducted over 200 paranormal investigations like this one in the state of Florida.. just in the last year.

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