THE PSNI has revealed there were more than 2,000 suspicious incidents reported in the Coalisland area in one year, after a concerned member of the public used the Freedom of Information Act to request the number of calls reporting ghosts, UFOs or any other supernatural activity.
Freedom of Information requests are typically used by journalists and members of the public to find out more about government and local councils. They played a key role in the recent MPs expenses claims stories.
However, the request, which was answered last week, must rank as one of the most unusual to have been handled by a public body.
The person who made the request also wanted descriptions of supernatural sightings in Coalisland, as well as the details of police investigations into UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.
The request was refused on the grounds that there were no specific categories on PSNI systems which the requested information fell under.
For those living in the Coalisland area it might be a source of anxiety to learn that it would take police staff more than 22 hours to sift through all the reports of suspicious activity made in that area in 2008.
However, police were unable to say how many of the 2000-plus suspicious incidents involved witches, zombies, vampires or aliens.
According to the PSNI’s response to the FOI request, the cost of providing the information would exceed the “appropriate costs limit” under Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which is currently set by the Secretary of State at £450 (18 hours).
“There are no specific categories on PSNI systems which the requested information falls under”, said the police in their formal response to the request.
“Searches would have to be carried out under a very broad range of recorded incidents including “suspicious activity”. There are well in excess of 2000 such entries for 2008, each requiring at least 2 minutes to examine.
“The relevant District has advised that retrieval of the requested information for that year alone would take an estimated 22 hours.”
Source: Tyrone Times
Freedom of Information requests are typically used by journalists and members of the public to find out more about government and local councils. They played a key role in the recent MPs expenses claims stories.
However, the request, which was answered last week, must rank as one of the most unusual to have been handled by a public body.
The person who made the request also wanted descriptions of supernatural sightings in Coalisland, as well as the details of police investigations into UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.
The request was refused on the grounds that there were no specific categories on PSNI systems which the requested information fell under.
For those living in the Coalisland area it might be a source of anxiety to learn that it would take police staff more than 22 hours to sift through all the reports of suspicious activity made in that area in 2008.
However, police were unable to say how many of the 2000-plus suspicious incidents involved witches, zombies, vampires or aliens.
According to the PSNI’s response to the FOI request, the cost of providing the information would exceed the “appropriate costs limit” under Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which is currently set by the Secretary of State at £450 (18 hours).
“There are no specific categories on PSNI systems which the requested information falls under”, said the police in their formal response to the request.
“Searches would have to be carried out under a very broad range of recorded incidents including “suspicious activity”. There are well in excess of 2000 such entries for 2008, each requiring at least 2 minutes to examine.
“The relevant District has advised that retrieval of the requested information for that year alone would take an estimated 22 hours.”
Source: Tyrone Times

Hi Chris,
ReplyDeleteNow you are saying something. Government does'nt want us to know the truth. At beginning Obama was president he would reveil everything about that what you mentioned... but we still are waiting !!!
Somewhere I did read, that it was mentioned to be by the illuminati that there only may be (if I remember good) 500 miljon people on earth, along their point of view and the kind of life and worldorder they want to create. There are 6,94 biljoen people.
They create diseases in laboratioria (there are proves to find)... they are doing a mass genocide... they make us ill to decrease population (BTW it is know that for every disease there is a cure) : no ill people is decrease of economy. They are making us ill by treating purposonal the whater in bad way (there are proves to find). Whater has the ability, just as quartz, to have a memory... so everyone can put ill-making frequencies into the water or they can put health-making frequencies into the water. All about UFO's and so on is not of these days (as you sure know)... you have to know about the real activities of Hitler (his base of all he did and wanted is to find in the fact that he was an esoteric)... Hitler and UFO's (there are proves of it). There is a book who includes (but there are more) of Benjamin Adamah, I have it in dutch, think maybe it's in english too, about the Zero-point Energy - The Tachyon-energy, where there is also written about the SS and UFO's. So many people would be surprised if they kenw the truth. WHY DID OBAMA DID'NT KEEP HIS PROMISE ???
Never trust a politician Linda and especially one that only wants to meet you at voting time:)