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Mosheim Mansion |
Seguin’s Mosheim Mansion has been rumored to be haunted. Carol Hirschi said now she knows for sure.
The Central Texas Paranormal Society CTPS (Ghost Investigators) came to the local bed and breakfast for an investigation, Hirschi said.
“They came here a couple of months ago,” she said.
What they came up with confirmed Hirschi’s suspicions.
“The paranormal investigators came in and they got some EVPs [electronic voice phenomenon] which I haven’t heard yet but I have heard they are interesting,” she said.
Even though she is a writer and not an investigator, Erin Wallace joined the team for the exploration of the Mosheim.
“When we went upstairs we did an EVP session,” she said. “When the other two investigators asked a question we didn’t get anything. But when I did it lit up and went crazy. They told me that sometimes ghosts are more receptive to certain people.”
Wallace asked a simple question, “Is there anybody here related to the Mosheim family?”
The writer got her answer — but not until after investigators finished going through all of the evidence.
“The first thing they revealed to me, was my EVP session,” she said. “Right after I had asked the question, I got a response ‘John.’”
The investigation team also found some activity in the cellar of the mansion.
“We had cameras set up in the basement, which was known for paranormal activity,” she said. “From down there we got EVPs of a couple of gunshots and footsteps going up the stairs. It was like normal footsteps, with like women’s shoes, it sounded like big, heavy boots.”
After digging for more information on the house, Wallace said she found a violent crime was committed a long time ago.
“A descendant of the Mosheim family said a murder happened in the house and we are wondering if it maybe happened in the basement.”
Wallace is shining a spotlight on the CTPS and her experiences in a book. The idea for the book came from her sister, who is an investigator with the group.
“The original plan was to just write about the investigations, but after I met the people my focus changed to more of biography of them and what they do,” she said. “The book explains what and who they are. They wait for people to come to them. They are not ghost hunters or seekers. They go out and help people who are having paranormal trouble.”
But Hirschi really didn’t need the CTPS or the book to tell her the mansion was haunted. Throughout the years the Hirschis lived there they have witnessed some unexplainable events.
“The people that were working here before us said the house is haunted,” she said. “They gave us a picture that somebody took and it looks like somebody is standing in front of a fireplace. They assured me that nobody was standing there when they took the picture. They also said in certain parts of the house somebody would get thumped on the back of the head.”
Hirschi’s husband Bob knows first hand what that feels like.
“My husband has actually gotten a thump on the back of his head,” she said. “We were moving furniture and he goes ‘Who was that?’ He said it felt like somebody thumped him on the back of the head like an angry nun would do.”
The Hirshcis are not the only residents in the house who have had experiences with the spirits.
“I had a dog named Bipolar Shorty and when she would walk to the office she would wag her tail like she was looking at somebody and the door would open automatically for her,” she said. “It wouldn’t do that for me.”
While the owners and some guests have had some experiences, they have never been bad ones.
“I will say some weird stuff has happened,” she said. “I have heard unmistakable footsteps. I have dogs and they don’t walk heel-to-toe in hard-soled shoes. We have been told by neighbors that they have seen a guy walk around the house at night.”
The first couple of years Hirschi said were the busiest, as far as the paranormal activity was concerned.
“The weird stuff happened when we first moved in,” she said. “It has pretty much stopped.”
When a psychic came to stay at the Mosheim, she let Hirschi in on some of the feelings of the otherworldly visitors.
“Pam (Grant) tells us that the spirits here like us and they are glad we are here,” she said. “She said they like the dogs and they enjoy the things that go on like the theater and the people coming and going. They like it. Maybe it’s because one of the women that lived here was a recluse, she was agoraphobic. It may be now she can enjoy it, maybe she is making up for lost time.”
Hirschi has told the “guests” that they are welcome to stay as long as they don’t scare her business away.
“They don’t harass, they don’t do anything malicious. Nothing scary or dangerous happens but it is just weird,” she said.
Wallace echoed what Grant told Hirschi.
“It’s not a bad feeling there. I have been to places that are bad and put off a bad vibe, but this is not one of them,” she said. “At the Mosheim, you can feel it is a happy place. Even with everything that I had experienced I would still stay there.”
Wallace is no stranger to Seguin, so when given the chance to join the team at the Mosheim she took it.
“I lived in Seguin for five years and I love it. I miss it,” she said. “When they were asked to investigate the Mosheim, I jumped on the opportunity.”
The book will be released on Saturday at a meet and greet book signing at the Historical Cotton Exchange in Temple starting at 5 p.m. with lots of door prizes, a mystery and band.
Those who can’t make it can purchase the book at centraltexasparanormalsociety.com or through the group’s Facebook page which includes a CD with EVPs.
Source: Seguin Gazette

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