A SPOOKED family have pleaded to be moved from their house . . . because they believe it’s haunted.
Kim Dunster and her partner Mathew White believe their baby son’s bedroom has been taken over by ghouls.
And they have the videos they claim prove it.
The family are so convinced they have filled the ‘reason for move’ section on their official house change form with one word - ghosts.
Doubters too have waded into the debate with a psychic expert saying the eerie “orbs” caught on camera are simply dust particles.
However, the explanation has been scant consolation for the frightened family, who have all taken to sleeping in the same room.
The chilling goings-on first came to light when mum-of-two Kim found 18-month-old Thomas lying in his cot crying and staring into space.
The 26-year-old put it down to teething until she spotted him playing “boo”.
The youngster was even pointing round the room and at one point held his hands round his neck and screamed.
Kim and Mathew, 27, of Newbiggin Hall, Newcastle, began to wonder if their bungalow, built in 1964, was haunted after speaking to a former next door neighbour.
Kim, who is also mum to five-year-old Chloe, said: “Everybody laughs when we tell them but when we show them the videos they can’t believe it.
“We’ve filmed in other rooms of the house but the orbs only show up in Thomas’s room.
“A lady at the bus stop said she lived in the house next door and her daughter’s toys under the bed used to move at night.
“We can’t sleep at night. We just don’t want to be in this house any more.”
Matthew added: “I’ve never believed in ghosts but I just can’t explain this. There’s a chill in Thomas’s room and we get goosebumps when we’re in there.”
Psychic expert Paul Green, who also goes by the name of the Psychic Biker and runs Extreme Ghost Hunting, believes the so-called “orbs” are in fact dust particles.
Paul, who lives near Rothbury, Northumberland, said: “I didn’t sense anything unusual in the room. The orbs are transparent, you can see the room through them. Most orbs that are spirits are more solid as they are energy.”
Allison Hodgson, head of housing management at Your Homes Newcastle, confirmed the couple had applied for alternative accommodation.
“None of the previous tenants have reported any similar events at the property, and we are not aware of anything similar taking place in the surrounding area either,” she said.
“Video footage captured at the house is inconclusive. We have offered advice and support to Miss Dunster on the options available to her family and are happy to continue to do this.”
To see the video go to: http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/news/north-east-news/2011/07/03/newcastle-family-beg-to-leave-haunted-house-79310-28983407/2/

ther seem to be a rise in the i want to move cos of ghosts a phenomina all its own im not sympathetic as it doesnt sound like there in danger and should try other clearance methods first if ghosts are the real reason they want to move