I was recently contacted by Tony, a Youtube friend but a complete sceptic on paranormality.
He is a logically thinking man with a background in electronics, and up until now he has remained a confirmed sceptic until the day he visited The Silent Pool, Shere, Nr. Guildford, Surrey.
I`ll let Tony take up the story..
`As you know I am a bit of a Paranormal Sceptic, BUT... While out with my Daughter,who had the camera,we recorded this,Now I have been doing Electronics for nearly 34 years and I'm also an Amateur radio operator so i'm well aware of most forms of Electronic interferance,While in the shed next to Silent Pool there were only Kirsty,Myself and an Old couple, the voice of a little girl was recorded by the camera but not heared in the Physical world at the time,and it was a new blank tape from the wrapper,no audio overlay or dubbing was involved this is the raw recording ,the little girl about 9 or 10 years old would have had to have been 7-10 inches from camera's mic in anachoic conditions to get this effect on the recording...Chris your thoughts would be useful and feel free to make a copy and analyze the audio track,the origanal audio is 16 bit 48KHz PCM from the AVI MD tape..and after making audio recordings for the past 35 years i am well verses in sound,this one is as yet Unexplained. To be honest I dont think its Emma but a younger child..listen to the toneality of her audio compared to our voices in the shed`..
Here is the clip he recorded. The EVP appears at 2:26. This is a class `A` recording, and from a man who has gone to great lengths to examine and eliminate all rational possibilities before arriving at concluding this to be unexplainable.
After the little girl`s voice is heard in the video, a weaker voice immediately follows.
I`ve managed to clean it up as best as possible, and it sounds as though she is saying, "In a minute."
Here is a link to that second EVP.
http://haunted-earth.org//Albums/LITTLE GIRL EVP.wav
Quite who the little girl was, nobody really can say. There is a legend of which I have recounted here:
`After becoming a popular place to visit during Victorian times, Silent Pool gained a reputation of myth and legend. There is no historical base for the lore which is now tied into the site, but it is claimed the pond is haunted. The stories vary, but at the centre of each is a maiden named Emma:
She was bathing in the lake one morning and was interrupted by horseman who was passing by. The horseman was taken by Emma, who was a winsome young lady, he lingered on the bankside to coax her out. This stranger scared the maiden, and she backed into deeper water which raised his ire. How dare she reject his advances!!? In response he decided to ride his horse into the lake causing her to scream in out in panic. She finally drowned and fell the bottom of the lake. Upon seeing this, the mystery horseman disappeared, never to be seen again....
To this day, people claim to have seen her body floating in the lake, or hear her calls for help. If visiting during daylight hours, you'll enjoy the calming state Silent Pool will inspire in you.. after dusk though, its a slightly different story..`
An interesting story that is also recorded in legend.
Here is a video I made on a visit to the Riche Mausoleum in Felsted, Essex.
Nothing of any consequence was captured during the visit, but whilst outside shooting views to add to the video, a very weird EVP was captured as the camera was being repositioned during the shoot.
The relevant piece starts from 8:00
He is a logically thinking man with a background in electronics, and up until now he has remained a confirmed sceptic until the day he visited The Silent Pool, Shere, Nr. Guildford, Surrey.
I`ll let Tony take up the story..
`As you know I am a bit of a Paranormal Sceptic, BUT... While out with my Daughter,who had the camera,we recorded this,Now I have been doing Electronics for nearly 34 years and I'm also an Amateur radio operator so i'm well aware of most forms of Electronic interferance,While in the shed next to Silent Pool there were only Kirsty,Myself and an Old couple, the voice of a little girl was recorded by the camera but not heared in the Physical world at the time,and it was a new blank tape from the wrapper,no audio overlay or dubbing was involved this is the raw recording ,the little girl about 9 or 10 years old would have had to have been 7-10 inches from camera's mic in anachoic conditions to get this effect on the recording...Chris your thoughts would be useful and feel free to make a copy and analyze the audio track,the origanal audio is 16 bit 48KHz PCM from the AVI MD tape..and after making audio recordings for the past 35 years i am well verses in sound,this one is as yet Unexplained. To be honest I dont think its Emma but a younger child..listen to the toneality of her audio compared to our voices in the shed`..
Here is the clip he recorded. The EVP appears at 2:26. This is a class `A` recording, and from a man who has gone to great lengths to examine and eliminate all rational possibilities before arriving at concluding this to be unexplainable.
After the little girl`s voice is heard in the video, a weaker voice immediately follows.
I`ve managed to clean it up as best as possible, and it sounds as though she is saying, "In a minute."
Here is a link to that second EVP.
http://haunted-earth.org//Albums/LITTLE GIRL EVP.wav
Quite who the little girl was, nobody really can say. There is a legend of which I have recounted here:
`After becoming a popular place to visit during Victorian times, Silent Pool gained a reputation of myth and legend. There is no historical base for the lore which is now tied into the site, but it is claimed the pond is haunted. The stories vary, but at the centre of each is a maiden named Emma:
She was bathing in the lake one morning and was interrupted by horseman who was passing by. The horseman was taken by Emma, who was a winsome young lady, he lingered on the bankside to coax her out. This stranger scared the maiden, and she backed into deeper water which raised his ire. How dare she reject his advances!!? In response he decided to ride his horse into the lake causing her to scream in out in panic. She finally drowned and fell the bottom of the lake. Upon seeing this, the mystery horseman disappeared, never to be seen again....
To this day, people claim to have seen her body floating in the lake, or hear her calls for help. If visiting during daylight hours, you'll enjoy the calming state Silent Pool will inspire in you.. after dusk though, its a slightly different story..`
An interesting story that is also recorded in legend.
Here is a video I made on a visit to the Riche Mausoleum in Felsted, Essex.
Nothing of any consequence was captured during the visit, but whilst outside shooting views to add to the video, a very weird EVP was captured as the camera was being repositioned during the shoot.
The relevant piece starts from 8:00

Hi Chris,I'm uploading the Original clip to Vimeo for you to Download as and when you want there is no text ot titles so feel free to re edit it as you want and add to any of your sites or pages
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony. Actually listening to the clip again, there is more EVP of her talking, albeit much more quietly. I`m going to have to clean that up and share here:)
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of people look for what sounds like voices in the background noise and white noise of various recordings,but I for one have no interest in this subjectbut to find a recording of a little girl on a video recording when there was NO child anywhare near us,and to have the tonal responce which sounds almost Anachoic in nature ,and yet as clear as a bell from what sounds like 7-10 inches from the mic,has and I admit,confused and puzzled me,and yes I know how a camcorder works and lays down its information onto the recording medium,this was a closed circuit,that is..no external/radio mic's were used,the area is fairly Radio quiet so RF bleedover was ruled out,as I have been using radios since 1977 and have used things like solar max to skip signals around the world,and there were no solar storms (CME's) so that side of RF was also ruled out,on the Physical side I know the underlying geology of the area as I did an extencive project while at school in the 70s,from the chalk hils to the sandstone and London clay,the weather was good also so natural elecrtic charge in the atmosphere was low.....holy crap have I missed anything out??,and Chris same goes for your recording too mate,it is very much like mine but without being there you know im the sort of person that will Poo,Poo any electronic recording without listening to the original tape or file,and now i am using a flash recorder for sound we will see if it happens again when we visit.