Recently, a YouTube viewer sent a series of weird "orb" related photographs to me that he has given permission to share.
Here is a special bonus video created by me on this startling new discovery to paranormal research.
Please rate if you enjoyed this presentation.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
During the last week I`ve been returning to the haunted master bedroom at my home in the hope of capturing something interesting and more importantly, conducting some experiments with the paranormal. Here is my report.
Monday, 22 June 2009

This picture was taken in May last year at ruined Tantallon castle near North Berwick in East Lothian and appears to show a woman in Tudor dress behind a crumbling window.
Photographer Christopher Aitchison said: “I was not aware of anyone, or anything, being present in my picture, only noticing the anomaly when I got home.
"Staff have verified that there were no sinister dummies in period costume or historical re-enactments going on that day.
“Some people have suggested it’s just light reflecting on rocks and one person suggested it may be King James V of Scotland.”
Source: Daily Express (UK)
Sunday, 21 June 2009

British spooks hunter Paul Rowland reckons he's invented a gizmo for capturing spirits.
It works by using ultraviolet and infrared lights to enhance images other cameras miss.
And it was only after taking this chilling snap Paul learned there had been reports of a spirit child haunting that very room of the Welsh mansion he was working in.
Amateur ghostbuster Paul said: "You can see a child-like figure and what appears to be an arm reaching out towards me.
"I was standing with my back against the window ledge, just a metre away.
"This picture is my prized-possession."
The eerie shape was spotted at the haunted Plas Teg mansion, which is popular with paranormal groups.
The swirling in the centre isn't anything paranormal - just a laser pen over a long exposure.
Paul, 49, developed his gadget after watching TV shows like Most Haunted and believes it will help him capture dozens of spirits on camera in the near future.
He explained: "I used to shout at the screen 'why don't you use this, or that.
"But when I researched I found the technologies simply didn't exist - so I started inventing them.
"The equipment I build is specifically for the purpose of paranormal investigations, unlike the borrowed technology used by other investigators.
"My belief is it will take new technology to reveal new evidence."
Paul got to work, drawing on his background as an engineer.
The ghost-cam device - which is yet to get a proper name - is the latest in a line of gadgets he is working on to photograph and communicate with the dead.
Speaking to The Sun ahead of this weekend's Edinburgh Ghost Fest, Paul continued: "The idea came about because I wanted to be able to carry technology around in one unit.
"I use blue and ultraviolet lights to enhance our capability in the dark.
"It also has a digital stills camera and camcorder - both of which can see in ultraviolet light.
"And there's a live EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) system hooked up to it.
"With all great respect to mediums, nobody else can hear what's going on.
"But I believe my devices can - through feedback - let people hold yes/no conversations with the dead.
"It's almost as if the machine senses an energy build-up in the room and records it."
We uncovered Paul's freaky photography as part of our ghost tour of Britain.
He will be leading an investigation called The Paradox Experience in Scotland running until Sunday.
For more information visit or check out more of Paul's work at
The Sun's video team also visited haunted sites around London in search of spooks.
We enlisted the help of Roy Roberts, who was recently crowned as the capital's No1 psychic.
Roy picked up the prize at London Ghost Week and took us on a special tour.
During our investigation he picked up the spirits of a number of children who had passed on.
And also felt the presence of a headless woman roaming around.
Source: The Sun (UK)
Caught on camera: Is this eerie caveman image Britain's oldest ghost?

Britain's oldest ghost appears to have been caught on camera at the country's most ancient inhabited site.
The 'spook' was snapped in a prehistoric cave at Kent's Cavern in Torquay, Devon, looming from a wall and surrounded by an eerie mist.
In the image, taken by a tourist, the ghostly face of the caveman seems to hover in mid air staring in to the distance.
For almost 200 years archaeologists have been digging up the prehistoric caves hoping to unearth evidence of our ancestors.
They've found lots of bones of all sorts of animals - as well as a human jawbone dated at around 40,000 years old which was when Neanderthal Man became extinct.
Now, it seems, there could be fresh evidence of the early inhabitants of the caves - but no excavations were needed for this new 'find.'
Simon Howard took the photos during a visit to the caves, one of which he says shows the outline of a face in the rocks, and a strange mist which wasn't there when the picture was taken.
"We were on a tour round the caves and I happened to snap a picture inside the Bear's Den chamber while waiting for the other members of the tour to arrive.
"Later on when I took a look at the photo I saw this mist which was not visible at the time.
"I won't say what I think I can see in the picture - I'll let people decide for themselves."
Kent's Cavern worker James Hull says it's not the first time a ghostly sighting has occurred: "There have been some strange and unexplained happenings in the caves down the years, as I've personally experienced on some of the paranormal investigation nights we have held here," he said.
"But this is the first photograph taken that we're aware of which shows what looks like a ghost.
"Everyone who has seen the photo here at the caves can see the profile of the face of a man with a large eye, long nose, small mouth and a beard, wearing what appears to be a helmet with a nose-guard, shrouded in mist."
Kent's Cavern is recognised as the most important stone age cave in Britain and has revealed more about palaeolithic Britain than anywhere else.
Implements found there include some that date back almost half a million years and many flints associated with the Neathderthals, while a human jawbone uncovered in 1927 is 31,000 years old, providing the oldest evidence of modern man (Homo sapiens ) in northwest Europe.
Source: Daily Mail UK
Fire in 'haunted' hotel room

A fire broke out in a "haunted" hotel where a woman was killed by a blaze in the 17th century
Some 10 people, including three guests, were forced to flee the 400-year-old grade II-listed George Hotel after the fire started at 3.40am as they were alerted by smoke alarms.
It started in a storage room on the top floor and spread to the roof space, damaging the oldest section of the 17th century hotel in Ramsey, Cambs.
Jean Axelsen, the hotel cook, said: "There's no way of knowing it's a paranormal event - but there are a lot of coincidences."
Her real identity is unknown but Mrs Axelsen's family, who run the hotel, call her Mary and believe she is a former landlady.
"It is strange that the fire was contained to that one room and did not spread," she said. "Also nothing electrical is plugged in up there as it is only used for storage.
"It is at the back of my mind that it could have been something more but Mary would never hurt us and she hates fire.
"She died of smoke inhalation so she wouldn't have wanted another fire.
"Mary hates fire so much she steals people~s lighters and blows out candles.~
Her daughter Louise Axelsen, 29, the hotel manager, said: "We do not mind Mary, you get used to having her around.
"If you work here, then you are aware that you are also working with ghosts."
A Cambridgeshire fire brigade spokesman said the blaze, which has forced the historic George to close one of its restaurants, was sparked by an electrical fault.
Mrs Axelsen's son Carl, 19, tackled the blaze with a fire extinguisher but was taken to Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon, for smoke inhalation.
"I'm not a brave person, but the adrenalin just kicked in and all I could think about was saving my home and my family's business," he said.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
A few years ago, I was working with a paranormal group based in Yorkshire, England when I accepted an investigation to a member's home in the nearby county of Lancashire.
I arrived late at night one Saturday on a dry and still October night to a rural property which was located some miles west of Preston, and found it to be a large extended 5 bedroom `U` shaped bungalow with extensive grounds and car park with nearby garaging facilities.
On arrival I was met by some group members and was invited to tour the building and grounds to report if I as a medium had detected any presences.
I spoke to the owner (another medium) who informed me that the site upon which this property was built dated back many hundreds of years and possibly had its earliest roots in the 14th century. Other than that, little was known of its history or past purpose.
There was little physical evidence of it's antiquity - other than a few carved stone remnants incorporated into an ancient dry stone wall, and a slightly undulating impression of a former road that had indented itself into the shrubbed and grassed grounds at the rear.
The front of the property virtually sided onto the roads edge, but here again were more worked ancient stone fragments used to build a small but elongated rockery.
No sooner had I entered the house I could feel a tremendous energy or presence which seemed to permeate throughout the property. This tense and tingling atmosphere was so strong that the house felt threatening and quite intimidating.
Before joining in with the investigation I decided to examine the fabric of the house to determine age and history. The front section (which bore two wings at either end) was certainly built around 1910 to 1920, and had been restructured internally with wooden beams to give an illusion of antiquity, whilst the remainder were in fact very recent additions with en-suite bathrooms and toilets.
I soon became aware of a number of spiritual energies, and the most pleasant was a lady in Edwardian clothing who seemed to grace the lounge in the front section with her presence, and in the case of some member's experiences, the sweet smell of perfume.
The rest of the house felt quite `cold` and unfriendly, and there was a foreboding male energy who felt angry at our intrusion into this property.
Little did I know that before the night was out, this entity was intending to make itself known to us all - and in quite a spectacular way!
After joining the group and guests for a pre-investigative discussion, I elected to place
a camcorder on a tripod within the corridor of the east wing extension.
I thought this was a good place to start as that energy felt stronger in this area, despite the fact the wing was less than two years old at the time!
The point I chose led to a bedroom and small outside access door, and set the camera to record any activity from both locations.
As I was about to call by radio the group leader that this task had been done I was amazed to see an absolutely jet black `shadow` of a man wearing what appeared to be a tricorn hat and flowing cape. Unlike most shadows, the edges were razor sharp and clearly delineated this man's figure which was over 6` tall.
Once seen the figure moved swiftly across the wall and disappeared into the bedroom where it promptly vanished.
I must add that when I saw this manifestation I felt tremendous anger at our presence and the feeling that we were intruders into his house, and that he wanted us to leave immediately. More worryingly, I also felt a huge and aggressive ego!
I returned quickly to the other members who were still gathered in the lounge and reported my encounter. The home owner's face dropped from a smile to almost glum dismay as she told me that this presence made living in the house absolute hell, and surprisingly added that at night she stayed with her parent's as she could not get a full night's sleep in the house without him causing all manner of problems.
She did not digress further, but I realised that this presence was perhaps the most formidable I had ever experienced in the years I have spent investigating the paranormal.
For an hour after, the house seemed at peace. However, there was an unusual abundance of orb related photographs
A little while later another member had returned to the corridor where spirit had been originally encountered and took a photograph which appeared to show this entity standing to near where I had a camcorder running.
In the lounge I captured a wispy ectoplasmic image by the fireplace, and the Edwardian lady was still present and firmly in residence. The room had a very happy atmosphere which I felt was due to this lady's spiritual energy.
Strangely, this was the only room where I never felt the ominous caped figure.
The rest of the group had by now split up and were detailed to cover different parts of the house whilst leaving alone in the corridor which retained the camcorder.
I went back there about an hour and a half later to change the video tape and check to see if all was in order.
I was joined by three other members and guests who wanted to explore the remainder of the building.
No sooner had I arrived, the entity returned once more to seemingly reinforce his claim to the property. As I was bent down removing the film I felt someone brusquely push past me. I assumed it may have been an impatient member keen to check out the adjacent bedroom but a quick glance showed that all three were some feet away from me in the corridor.
I obviously realised that this was the presence I experienced earlier and told the others that he was around again. No sooner had I spoke that I felt a soft fabric brush against my right hand as it moved slowly past. I must admit that at this point I was actually feeling more annoyed than frightened and quickly reached out with my right hand and grabbed it. I could feel silk on the reverse, and velvet on the surface and glanced around expecting to actually see this entity in full form. But there was nothing other than an invisible fabric which I now held with both hands.
He then pulled firmly away from me, and I called over to the other members present to look at what I interpreted to be an old fashioned cape. They seemed unimpressed until I leant over backwards to such an angle that my body could not conceivably support this unnatural position and was evidently supported by thin air!
The look of shock on their faces was revealing, but this only lasted a few seconds before the presence realising I wouldn't let go, decided to `dematerialise` the invisible fabric and I fell over backwards onto a nearby wall which broke my fall.
Everybody who witnessed this event could hardly believe that it happened but even so, were quite shocked at this experience. Not least myself!
These bizarre antics were to continue later during the night when around 1am, I was sat outside in the car park with a colleague in my Toyota MPV.
We were sat in the car facing towards the gabled end of the garage wall which was of recent construction and bounded by shrubs at each corner leaving an exposed area of brickwork in the middle of the building from the ground up.
Whilst chatting about the night's events and particularly the incidents in the corridor my colleague excitedly reported seeing a man walking in the clearing between the two shrubs. I looked across but couldn't see anything, but he evidently looked shocked by what he had experienced. He then informed me that he had seen a caped man wearing a `funny` hat - which on description was an 18th century tricorn (three pointed) hat which fitted the description of the shadow in the corridor.
I was starting to think I may have missed something special when a huge and quite visible orb rose up slowly from the ground in the clearing and traveled up to the top end gable. The view was quite clear and well aided by lights from the car park.
This orb, which I thought was a least 2` in diameter, disappeared over the roof and into the darkness. We both sat silent and looked towards each other, and then looked back again towards the roof.
Before either of us could express our shock, a caped man wearing a tricorn hat appeared on top of the garage roof, and raised his arms upwards whilst facing us. His face had a swarthy complexion but the figure although life-like reminded me more of a cartoon character superimposed onto real life footage. This is the only way I can describe this apparition.
He then turned sideways and leapt from the roof with his cape flowing behind him as he fell into the garden.
Again he disappeared for a few seconds, and we both sat in startled disbelief but confirming what we had both seen.
Assuming that this weird experience to be over, I wound down the drivers window to catch some fresh air. As I did so he appeared again some 20` away from us in the rear garden and close to the edge of the brightly lit car park.
From here on we went from the sublime to the patently ridiculous as the figure seemed to bound in great strides around the garden making his appearance more `cartoon like` in movement than the reality of a `real` person.
Whether it was through shock or fear I broke a cardinal rule of paranormal investigation by suddenly breaking into a laugh...
This prompted a rapid response from the figure as it quickly dematerialised and presumably turned into a very strong wind as my large and heavy vehicle was shaken violently from side to side. This lasted three or four seconds in real time but seemed an eternity for us both before it suddenly stopped and the car park returned to peace and tranquillity.
I hasten to add that on this night there was no wind before or after this event.
We both returned to the house and again I reported to the rest of the group. Some returned to the car park but were unable to capture anything remotely spectral.
We were both still reeling in shock, for me at least this was the third occasion I had experienced this entity's company and called for the rest of the group to join us in the lounge.
After an impromptu meeting the group leader decided to hold a séance to see whether we could make direct contact with this presence. It was agreed that we would use the
bedroom close to the corridor camcorder as this area seemed core to the incidents that manifested that night.
I decided to step out of this - as there were at least three other mediums present and stood to the outside of the circle videoing the event. After a few minutes a group investigator within the circle quite suddenly went into a trance.
Without warning he started to shout, “Get out, get out of my house!”
He then told us who he was - details of which are no longer in my memory, and it appeared he owned a property which stood on the site in the latter part of the 18th century.
I had no doubt that it was the entity speaking through this man's lips as everything I had picked up on him earlier matched exactly. He was an aggressive swaggering bully, and quite plainly had an obsessive desire to get us away from the house.
Before we could continue to question him further, the possessed group member suddenly stood up waving his fists in the air and attempted to attack us.
This normally mild mannered man was so violent that he had to be firmly restrained and was forcibly removed from the séance where upon he rapidly returned to normal with no memory of his violently aggressive behaviour.
I must add that from experience I have seen people `over-shadowed` by spiritual presences, and this mostly resulted in them being sick or passing out, but I have never seen anything like this in my life!
We all decided to return back to the lounge for a hot drink to discuss this alarming experience. I remained in the corridor alone for a few minutes to see whether this entity would return but by now it had become very quiet.
I then rejoined the others and was informed the coffee was in the kitchen if I wanted a drink.
I went to this kitchen which from memory stood behind the lounge in the middle section of the house and recollect that the kitchen sink faced a large bay window into the rear garden, with the kitchen door situated immediately to the left of this window.
As I was washing up a cup I glanced casually towards the window and saw in clear plain view a man wearing a dark heavy coat and a clerical collar. He also wore an old fashioned hat on his head which was similar to what some Catholic priests still wear today.
He was aged around 50, had powdery grey eyes and a seemingly pleasant disposition.
He smiled gently at me and raised his right hand before dipping his hat respectfully and walking towards the rear kitchen door. Searching for a logical explanation I assumed he was a neighbour possibly disturbed by the noise from the séance.
I went to open the door expecting an explanation for his appearance but there was nobody to be seen. I even searched the car park and grounds but to no avail.
I called to the house owner and asked about the priest. She informed me that this was another spiritual presence that sometimes appeared at this window in the early hours of a Sunday morning as if to call people to prayer. She had seen him herself once when she first moved in, and that my description matched him perfectly.
Apparently there is a catholic church in the nearby village, and this priest was a well documented phenomena. So profound was this experience that I had difficulty accepting that this was really an apparition, but his quick disappearance washed away any doubts I may have harboured.
For a paranormal investigator I found the whole event the most profound paranormal experience of my life. If it were ever possible to return one more time I would leave to go there immediately. But I can never understand to this day why the owner refuses to move on the darker entity that lurks there. Maybe she was intimidated by his bullish and aggressive manner, and perhaps fearful of what may happen if she removed him from `his` beloved property. Who knows?
Chris Halton © 2008
All rights reserved.
I arrived late at night one Saturday on a dry and still October night to a rural property which was located some miles west of Preston, and found it to be a large extended 5 bedroom `U` shaped bungalow with extensive grounds and car park with nearby garaging facilities.
On arrival I was met by some group members and was invited to tour the building and grounds to report if I as a medium had detected any presences.
I spoke to the owner (another medium) who informed me that the site upon which this property was built dated back many hundreds of years and possibly had its earliest roots in the 14th century. Other than that, little was known of its history or past purpose.
There was little physical evidence of it's antiquity - other than a few carved stone remnants incorporated into an ancient dry stone wall, and a slightly undulating impression of a former road that had indented itself into the shrubbed and grassed grounds at the rear.
The front of the property virtually sided onto the roads edge, but here again were more worked ancient stone fragments used to build a small but elongated rockery.
No sooner had I entered the house I could feel a tremendous energy or presence which seemed to permeate throughout the property. This tense and tingling atmosphere was so strong that the house felt threatening and quite intimidating.
Before joining in with the investigation I decided to examine the fabric of the house to determine age and history. The front section (which bore two wings at either end) was certainly built around 1910 to 1920, and had been restructured internally with wooden beams to give an illusion of antiquity, whilst the remainder were in fact very recent additions with en-suite bathrooms and toilets.
I soon became aware of a number of spiritual energies, and the most pleasant was a lady in Edwardian clothing who seemed to grace the lounge in the front section with her presence, and in the case of some member's experiences, the sweet smell of perfume.
The rest of the house felt quite `cold` and unfriendly, and there was a foreboding male energy who felt angry at our intrusion into this property.
Little did I know that before the night was out, this entity was intending to make itself known to us all - and in quite a spectacular way!
After joining the group and guests for a pre-investigative discussion, I elected to place
a camcorder on a tripod within the corridor of the east wing extension.
I thought this was a good place to start as that energy felt stronger in this area, despite the fact the wing was less than two years old at the time!
The point I chose led to a bedroom and small outside access door, and set the camera to record any activity from both locations.
As I was about to call by radio the group leader that this task had been done I was amazed to see an absolutely jet black `shadow` of a man wearing what appeared to be a tricorn hat and flowing cape. Unlike most shadows, the edges were razor sharp and clearly delineated this man's figure which was over 6` tall.
Once seen the figure moved swiftly across the wall and disappeared into the bedroom where it promptly vanished.
I must add that when I saw this manifestation I felt tremendous anger at our presence and the feeling that we were intruders into his house, and that he wanted us to leave immediately. More worryingly, I also felt a huge and aggressive ego!
I returned quickly to the other members who were still gathered in the lounge and reported my encounter. The home owner's face dropped from a smile to almost glum dismay as she told me that this presence made living in the house absolute hell, and surprisingly added that at night she stayed with her parent's as she could not get a full night's sleep in the house without him causing all manner of problems.
She did not digress further, but I realised that this presence was perhaps the most formidable I had ever experienced in the years I have spent investigating the paranormal.
For an hour after, the house seemed at peace. However, there was an unusual abundance of orb related photographs
A little while later another member had returned to the corridor where spirit had been originally encountered and took a photograph which appeared to show this entity standing to near where I had a camcorder running.
In the lounge I captured a wispy ectoplasmic image by the fireplace, and the Edwardian lady was still present and firmly in residence. The room had a very happy atmosphere which I felt was due to this lady's spiritual energy.
Strangely, this was the only room where I never felt the ominous caped figure.
The rest of the group had by now split up and were detailed to cover different parts of the house whilst leaving alone in the corridor which retained the camcorder.
I went back there about an hour and a half later to change the video tape and check to see if all was in order.
I was joined by three other members and guests who wanted to explore the remainder of the building.
No sooner had I arrived, the entity returned once more to seemingly reinforce his claim to the property. As I was bent down removing the film I felt someone brusquely push past me. I assumed it may have been an impatient member keen to check out the adjacent bedroom but a quick glance showed that all three were some feet away from me in the corridor.
I obviously realised that this was the presence I experienced earlier and told the others that he was around again. No sooner had I spoke that I felt a soft fabric brush against my right hand as it moved slowly past. I must admit that at this point I was actually feeling more annoyed than frightened and quickly reached out with my right hand and grabbed it. I could feel silk on the reverse, and velvet on the surface and glanced around expecting to actually see this entity in full form. But there was nothing other than an invisible fabric which I now held with both hands.
He then pulled firmly away from me, and I called over to the other members present to look at what I interpreted to be an old fashioned cape. They seemed unimpressed until I leant over backwards to such an angle that my body could not conceivably support this unnatural position and was evidently supported by thin air!
The look of shock on their faces was revealing, but this only lasted a few seconds before the presence realising I wouldn't let go, decided to `dematerialise` the invisible fabric and I fell over backwards onto a nearby wall which broke my fall.
Everybody who witnessed this event could hardly believe that it happened but even so, were quite shocked at this experience. Not least myself!
These bizarre antics were to continue later during the night when around 1am, I was sat outside in the car park with a colleague in my Toyota MPV.
We were sat in the car facing towards the gabled end of the garage wall which was of recent construction and bounded by shrubs at each corner leaving an exposed area of brickwork in the middle of the building from the ground up.
Whilst chatting about the night's events and particularly the incidents in the corridor my colleague excitedly reported seeing a man walking in the clearing between the two shrubs. I looked across but couldn't see anything, but he evidently looked shocked by what he had experienced. He then informed me that he had seen a caped man wearing a `funny` hat - which on description was an 18th century tricorn (three pointed) hat which fitted the description of the shadow in the corridor.
I was starting to think I may have missed something special when a huge and quite visible orb rose up slowly from the ground in the clearing and traveled up to the top end gable. The view was quite clear and well aided by lights from the car park.
This orb, which I thought was a least 2` in diameter, disappeared over the roof and into the darkness. We both sat silent and looked towards each other, and then looked back again towards the roof.
Before either of us could express our shock, a caped man wearing a tricorn hat appeared on top of the garage roof, and raised his arms upwards whilst facing us. His face had a swarthy complexion but the figure although life-like reminded me more of a cartoon character superimposed onto real life footage. This is the only way I can describe this apparition.
He then turned sideways and leapt from the roof with his cape flowing behind him as he fell into the garden.
Again he disappeared for a few seconds, and we both sat in startled disbelief but confirming what we had both seen.
Assuming that this weird experience to be over, I wound down the drivers window to catch some fresh air. As I did so he appeared again some 20` away from us in the rear garden and close to the edge of the brightly lit car park.
From here on we went from the sublime to the patently ridiculous as the figure seemed to bound in great strides around the garden making his appearance more `cartoon like` in movement than the reality of a `real` person.
Whether it was through shock or fear I broke a cardinal rule of paranormal investigation by suddenly breaking into a laugh...
This prompted a rapid response from the figure as it quickly dematerialised and presumably turned into a very strong wind as my large and heavy vehicle was shaken violently from side to side. This lasted three or four seconds in real time but seemed an eternity for us both before it suddenly stopped and the car park returned to peace and tranquillity.
I hasten to add that on this night there was no wind before or after this event.
We both returned to the house and again I reported to the rest of the group. Some returned to the car park but were unable to capture anything remotely spectral.
We were both still reeling in shock, for me at least this was the third occasion I had experienced this entity's company and called for the rest of the group to join us in the lounge.
After an impromptu meeting the group leader decided to hold a séance to see whether we could make direct contact with this presence. It was agreed that we would use the
bedroom close to the corridor camcorder as this area seemed core to the incidents that manifested that night.
I decided to step out of this - as there were at least three other mediums present and stood to the outside of the circle videoing the event. After a few minutes a group investigator within the circle quite suddenly went into a trance.
Without warning he started to shout, “Get out, get out of my house!”
He then told us who he was - details of which are no longer in my memory, and it appeared he owned a property which stood on the site in the latter part of the 18th century.
I had no doubt that it was the entity speaking through this man's lips as everything I had picked up on him earlier matched exactly. He was an aggressive swaggering bully, and quite plainly had an obsessive desire to get us away from the house.
Before we could continue to question him further, the possessed group member suddenly stood up waving his fists in the air and attempted to attack us.
This normally mild mannered man was so violent that he had to be firmly restrained and was forcibly removed from the séance where upon he rapidly returned to normal with no memory of his violently aggressive behaviour.
I must add that from experience I have seen people `over-shadowed` by spiritual presences, and this mostly resulted in them being sick or passing out, but I have never seen anything like this in my life!
We all decided to return back to the lounge for a hot drink to discuss this alarming experience. I remained in the corridor alone for a few minutes to see whether this entity would return but by now it had become very quiet.
I then rejoined the others and was informed the coffee was in the kitchen if I wanted a drink.
I went to this kitchen which from memory stood behind the lounge in the middle section of the house and recollect that the kitchen sink faced a large bay window into the rear garden, with the kitchen door situated immediately to the left of this window.
As I was washing up a cup I glanced casually towards the window and saw in clear plain view a man wearing a dark heavy coat and a clerical collar. He also wore an old fashioned hat on his head which was similar to what some Catholic priests still wear today.
He was aged around 50, had powdery grey eyes and a seemingly pleasant disposition.
He smiled gently at me and raised his right hand before dipping his hat respectfully and walking towards the rear kitchen door. Searching for a logical explanation I assumed he was a neighbour possibly disturbed by the noise from the séance.
I went to open the door expecting an explanation for his appearance but there was nobody to be seen. I even searched the car park and grounds but to no avail.
I called to the house owner and asked about the priest. She informed me that this was another spiritual presence that sometimes appeared at this window in the early hours of a Sunday morning as if to call people to prayer. She had seen him herself once when she first moved in, and that my description matched him perfectly.
Apparently there is a catholic church in the nearby village, and this priest was a well documented phenomena. So profound was this experience that I had difficulty accepting that this was really an apparition, but his quick disappearance washed away any doubts I may have harboured.
For a paranormal investigator I found the whole event the most profound paranormal experience of my life. If it were ever possible to return one more time I would leave to go there immediately. But I can never understand to this day why the owner refuses to move on the darker entity that lurks there. Maybe she was intimidated by his bullish and aggressive manner, and perhaps fearful of what may happen if she removed him from `his` beloved property. Who knows?
Chris Halton © 2008
All rights reserved.
EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena
A detailed look into Electronic Voice Phenomena and the technology used to capture audio evidence of otherwordly activity.
Haunted Myrtle Hill Cemetery (EVPs)
During the last week of October 2008, Chris Halton from Haunted Earth paid us a visit from England. During his visit, he investigated several locations for paranormal activity with the Acid Entertainment paranormal research crew. Chris edited a video from this location that we both have on our sites, however, this video contains the images and evps that didn't make it into part 1.
Located in Valley City, OH, Myrtle Hill Cemetery is known nationwide for its paranormal activity. Our team, along with Haunted Earth's, Christopher Halton, investigated Myrtle Hill in October 2008 and agreed it's teeming with paranormal activity. Within five minute upon arrival I was greeted with an herbal scent that followed me throughout the investigation. Chris also smelled it, as did our investigator, Sean Adams. The scent came and went, and could be traced to no plants, shrubs, or trees in the cemetery.
There is a large ball-shaped gravestone, referred to as the "Witchs Ball," that allegedly belonged to a witch. Legend has it that a witch poisoned her family's well, who died after drinking the tainted water and that she disposed of their dead bodies by tossing them into the well. People claim that the gravestone feels hot in the winter and cold in the summer. Many also believe no snow, rain, or leaves fall on the gravestone. We visited on a Fall Day, & it was approximately 70 degrees, so temperatures weren't extreme enough for us to test this.
We did find out about the story of the mad poisoner, Martha Wise, of Hardscrabble, who seems the source of this legend. Martha had family over for dinner one night, and served them drinks from a bucket of water she'd added arsenic to. Everyone became very ill and her mother died. Some believe she is buried beneath the witchs ball, others claim she's buried in Marysville Prison, where she served time.
Located in Valley City, OH, Myrtle Hill Cemetery is known nationwide for its paranormal activity. Our team, along with Haunted Earth's, Christopher Halton, investigated Myrtle Hill in October 2008 and agreed it's teeming with paranormal activity. Within five minute upon arrival I was greeted with an herbal scent that followed me throughout the investigation. Chris also smelled it, as did our investigator, Sean Adams. The scent came and went, and could be traced to no plants, shrubs, or trees in the cemetery.
There is a large ball-shaped gravestone, referred to as the "Witchs Ball," that allegedly belonged to a witch. Legend has it that a witch poisoned her family's well, who died after drinking the tainted water and that she disposed of their dead bodies by tossing them into the well. People claim that the gravestone feels hot in the winter and cold in the summer. Many also believe no snow, rain, or leaves fall on the gravestone. We visited on a Fall Day, & it was approximately 70 degrees, so temperatures weren't extreme enough for us to test this.
We did find out about the story of the mad poisoner, Martha Wise, of Hardscrabble, who seems the source of this legend. Martha had family over for dinner one night, and served them drinks from a bucket of water she'd added arsenic to. Everyone became very ill and her mother died. Some believe she is buried beneath the witchs ball, others claim she's buried in Marysville Prison, where she served time.
Haunted House Cleveland's Historic Franklin blvd I (orbs, ecto, evp)
Acid Entertainment has been contacted to not only investigate, but clear a house of negative residual energy and malevolent spirits. This is a rehab property on Cleveland's historic Franklin boulevard that has been vacant for at least six years. The current owners stopped renovations due to frequent and severe injuries being sustained while working. Other reported activity consists of claims the floors vibrate, scratching sounds coming from in a closet, and objects being moved around.
LOTS of Orb Activity From Security Camera~Haunted House Franklin Ave. (ecto mist, shadows)
This house, located on Cleveland's historic Franklin ave., is teeming with paranormal activity. A lot of evidence has been gathered and is still in the process of being analyzed. For the first time, Acid Entertainment utilized security cameras on investigation and the results are staggering. As it was a surprise that the equipment would be there, they've not yet figured out how to upload it directly to the computer. For this reason, it was filmed it from a screen television to share with you. Part 2 of Haunted House on Cleveland's Historic Franklin Ave. will be out soon!
Monday, 8 June 2009
About 2 years ago I placed on YouTube a clip of a strange phenomena captured on the old haunted airfield we visit occasionally.
The quality was admittedly poor, but by upgrading to HDV we hope you`ll be able to appreciate this event with much more clarity.
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