In any investigation, the testimony of witnesses is key to deciding whether accounts given by them stand up to scrutiny. And the Borley Rectory story of alleged paranormality is one of them.
In terms of hard verifiable evidence, there is very little, if hardly any at all.

This documentary attempts to place Borley into a clearer perspective by analysing these accounts and the character of those involved.
Certainly, by the time the Daily Mirror became involved, the rectory was well known locally for reported activity, and there cannot be any doubt that the rectory was spiritually active, but ..... by how much?
Throughout it`s life, the hauntings were always variable according to whoever the witnessed them. By the time of the Foysters, they seemingly reached a crescendo of activity.
I hope you enjoy this presentation as I attempt to draw some balance in the entire rectory story by focussing on the main actors, and looking more in depth at their characters and honesty.
In my mind, this is far more compelling than simple witness accounts.
I also return to the hauntings at Borley church, which not only has many reports of activity both within and outside the church, but also has some evidence provided by a paranormal investigation in the 1970`s.
Was it the most haunted house. Or was it merely an opportunity for fame and fortune?
Here all is revealed from facts surrounding this most infamous of cases.
A taster for the show
The show becomes viewable at 10pm (UK) time, tonight, November 26th 2017