Thursday 25 April 2013


Tune in to this page on Saturday, April 27th 2013 to view the April edition of the Haunted Earth Show.
The show will be aired at 11pm GMT or, 6pm EST, and will have lots of paranormal interest videos and views from me, your host, Chris Halton. Additionally in this months show we have a special feature which includes a night time investigation.

In July 1931, the famous author and writer, George Orwell (1984 - Animal Farm) was researching a book at St Andrew`s Churchyard, in Walberswick, Suffolk.

George Orwell - Experienced the paranormal
Orwell was sat in the church grounds by a ruined section of this medieval building when he saw in broad daylight a ghost of a man.
Orwell wasn`t a church goer, and had even less interest for the paranormal. So for him to witness and write about his first paranormal experience was something quite unique. The ghost it later transpired, has been seen before and since, and it is unlikely Orwell would have known of it.

Whilst inside the church (which was built in 1492 - the same year Columbus discovered America),
I recorded a number of scenes for the show. Here is an interesting experience that defies logical explanation.
The microphone used was a professional Sennheiser.