Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Here is an alleged `news item` of a CCTV recording published by The Huddersfield Daily Examiner.
The clip shows a single orb shaped light anomaly recorded inside a railway station retail outlet.
What is remarkable about this clip as a news item is that it is so unremarkable that a media company would want to share it.

The owner of the clip, Darryl Townend explained: “We’ve just had a new security system installed which detects movement.Last week it detected something on three or four occasions – it looks like a white light.It’s globe-shaped, like an orb. It’s certainly strange".

I am not a critic of spiritual orb activity recorded under controlled conditions. Neither do I think that all of these events are not newsworthy. But showing a single white light anomaly floating around an empty shop doesn`t suggest anything that could promote the study of genuine anomalous activity.
In fact, it offers quite the reverse in public generated opinion. To many it is dust or even some type of insect, and if anything it helps to propagate the myth that the paranormal is a crank science.

In my years of research of this phenomena I decided to try and set a standard that creates an absolute in what is required to prove this activity.

In my work I have shown that real `orb` activity is reactive to human presences. To illustrate that, I have shown that they can be communicated with to provide a response when questioned, such as appearing on request, or actually going directly to me when asked to do so.

In other videos I have illustrated on cam and whilst working in complete darkness that they can actually be observed through the naked eye. Clearly if I can do this, it surely proves that these anomalies are not `dust motes` or other explainable anomaly?

 But unfortunately it is not this type of work that is remembered by the public, it is videos like this from `The Huddersfield Examiner`.

A classic example of a `false positive` was this video circulated through the national media which claimed to show a ghost in the bar of `The Wolfe` Public House in Cumbria, England.

To sensationalise it further, it was claimed that the pub used to be a funeral parlour. What was missing from the media splash, was that careful examination of the video actually shows a bug - probably a moth on the lens of a CCTV camera. At one point you can see the object vibrate as the insect buzzes it`s wings. The reason the anomaly changed shape was more due to the convex nature of the camera lens and not as claimed, the actions of a morphing ghost.

With the absence of any common sense, this clip had the world media working themselves into a hot sweat, and more unbelievably got the attention of the producers of an American Sci Fi  TV show, to send a team over the Atlantic to investigate it. Even more unbelievably, they spent three nights carrying out `scientific tests` but the results or their findings have yet to be seen.

Unfortunately there are now so many such false anomaly videos on sites such as Youtube and LiveLeak that many TV shows across the world are sharing material that is so easy to discredit, and in effect belittles and tarnishes study of a phenomena that has a more crucial role in the understanding of the paranormal than many are prepared to admit.

I think in many cases the media share material such as these examples in a desperate measure to improve falling viewer numbers and to attract potential advertisers as more and more people prefer to surf the internet rather than to buy newspapers or watch mainstream TV.
I would also add that perhaps if they were more discriminating with better researched material that is widely available they might actually reverse the decline. But as with pubs across Britain that are also faced with fewer customers they will eventually disappear from mainstream activity into the annals of history.

For reference in closing, here is a chart that shows different types of insect activity caught under infrared light.

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